Most Wanted FUGITIVES’ Week of December 30, 2022
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.
To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235.

#IMPAWSTERS – 12-29-2022
#IMPAWSTERS – 12-29-2022
For More Information,
Please Contact EPASadoptions@elpasotexas.gov
All Most Wanted pets, come with spay/neuter surgery, age appropriate vaccinations, microchip, and registration.
Pets will also be sent home with pet food and supplies (bowls, leash, and collar)
“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog”
#fureverhome #Adopt #elpaso #mostwanteddog #rescue #doglove #sheriff #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #doggo #rescuedog #mutt #pet #rescuedogsrock #doggy #deeohgee #dog #dogoftheday

Women Behind the Badge Mentorship Program
December 29, 2022
El Paso, Texas – The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is proud to announce the creation of the Women Behind the Badge Mentorship Program. A program designed to train and assist women in performing law enforcement duties. Membership in this program comprises female employees within the Sheriff's Office. The goal is to develop an interaction that is career-sustaining. An interaction where the mentee can reach out to their mentor and share the successes and challenges associated with being a woman in law enforcement. This program has three missions: recruiting, peer support, and professional development. The Sheriff's Office wants to support current and future female employees as they improve the law enforcement profession and recognize public service's influence on the community they serve.
All women of the Sheriff's Office are members of the program. Please contact the board members if you would like to serve as a mentor or participate in upcoming events.

AGGRAVATED ASSAULT at the 300 Block of Citatel
December 28, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 28, 2022, at 3:18 am., the El Paso County Sheriff's Office responded to 366 Citadel Dr., El Paso, TX 79928, regarding a gunshot victim. Several subjects had been in a physical altercation in front of the address when the victim was shot. The victim was taken to a local hospital and is in stable condition. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office, Major Crimes Unit, continues investigating the crime scene.
Thank you ELKS #187
December 21, 2022
El Paso, Texas – The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office is grateful to partners like ELKS #187. Cheryl Kelly, Lodge 187 Secretary, delivered boxes of shoes, socks, and other clothing for the county children. Deputy Eduardo Placencia took the time to place the items in gift bags and help San Elizario distribute them to little ones in need. Sheriff’s Office is very grateful to all involved in helping our El Paso County families. Thank you, ELKS #187, for giving back to the community. We genuinely appreciate it.

December 20, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 16, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office PAWS (Pets Advancing Wellness and Success) in the Detention section attended Carrol T. Welch Elementary School for a Career Day. Students and staff learned about the P.A.W.S. program and how to become a Detention Officer or a Deputy. Officer Anaya and Chavez, along with P.A.W.S. Canine Cadet Simon, attended the event and conducted demonstrations on basic commands. Canine Cadets from the P.A.W.S. program can be adopted through the Animal Rescue League of El Paso by calling (915) 877-5002.

December 20, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 20th, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Community Services attended a Toy Drive Hosted By the folks at Jessie Moreno Happiness Center. For the past 9 years, our friends at the center gather new toys for the children in the County of El Paso. They have a dance group that likes to dance to Christmas songs and invite the deputies to be part of the show. The Sheriff’s Office is very proud and thankful to these organizations that have come together to give back to our El Paso County. Together we can make a difference and help put some smiles on many faces. Christmas of 2022 is made better for struggling families.

December 19, 2022
El Paso, Texas El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jaime Fuentes is coaching soccer for children from the county, on his own time and for free. He trains boys and girls from all grades at the Ricardo Estrada Middle School daily with two sessions, one at 6:00 am before duty and one right after his shift. During the weekends, he coaches at the games. His commitment and involvement with the county youth are a testament to his character. Thank you, Deputy Fuentes, for “Serving with Pride.”

December 19, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On Friday, December 16th, 2022, El Paso County Sheriff's Office Deputies assigned to the East Montana Patrol Station attended the ICON Home Builder Quarterly Meeting held at the Hilton Garden Hotel. Deputies conducted a presentation about the recent thefts of materials occurring in the new construction areas. Deputies met with supervisors, project managers, and contractors and advised them of ways to prevent future crime. Deputies also recommended that the construction areas are under surveillance as there will also be more officer presence. Deputies answered other questions.

Col. John O. Ensor Middle School Drug Presentations
December 16, 2022 El Paso, Texas – On December 13th, 2022, The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Oriented Policing Representatives were invited to conduct drug presentations to students in grades 6th – 8th at Col. John O. Ensor Middle School located at 13600 Ryderwood Dr., El Paso, TX 79928. Deputies presented information to over 1,000 students on the different types of drugs. Deputies main focus throughout the presentations was on vaping. Students learned what chemicals are introduced into the body when smoked and may lead to health problems. Students learned the difference between vapes containing either nicotine or THC. Deputies also emphasized the latest dangerous drug, fentanyl. Deputies explained the penalties students might face if caught with any narcotics or tobacco products, as it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to be in possession.

Most Wanted FUGITIVES’ Week of December 16, 2022
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.
To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235.

December 15, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 14, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff's Deputies with the Community Service Section visited the James R. Vasquez Head Start Center at 1355 James Kelley Dr., El Paso, TX 79936. Deputies brought holiday cheer to children in the facility with a toy giveaway. The children, ages three and four, took pictures with the Sheriff's Deputies. Deputies delivered toys to the children in the facility.

December 15, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 14th, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Victim Services Unit hosted its annual Christmas party for the families the unit assisted throughout the year. The families had hot chocolate and cookies while waiting for a special guest, SANTA!
The Victim Services staff and families want to thank Sgt. Adrian Gonzales for tracking down Santa and bringing joy to all the children. In addition, thank Ms. Acosta, the Community Services team, and the Sheriff's Foundation for providing toys given to the children.

Pete Duarte Head Start Center Toy Giveaway
December 15, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On December 13, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff's Deputies with the Community Service Section visited the Pete Duarte Head Start Center at 12583 Darrington Rd., Horizon, TX 79928. Deputies brought holiday cheer to children in the facility with a toy giveaway. The children, ages three and four, took pictures with the Sheriff's Deputies and Santa. Deputies handed out toys to over 400 children in the facility. This annual toy giveaway would not be possible without all the support from our community that has helped gather toys with our various toy drives and donations.

GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT Basic Peace Officer Class 22-01
El Paso, Texas - Sheriff Richard D. Wiles and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office invite you to the upcoming graduation ceremony for Basic Peace Officer Class 22-01 on Thursday, December 22, 2022., at 10:00 am.
This group of hard-working individuals will be honored for their many hours of study, preparation, and hard work to reach their goal of becoming Sheriff’s Office Peace Officers. We would be honored with your presence at this celebration. Graduation will be held at Region VIII Training Academy Gym located at 12501 Montana Ave., El Paso, TX 79938.

CADETS: Alvarado, Marcos Arellano, Jose Cordova, Arturo Escamilla, Samantha Garcia, Jesus Garcia, Michael Garrocho, Jesus Garza, Ericka Hieatt, Kathrine Jimenez, Raul Lechuga, Samantha Mendoza, Pascual Morales Samuel Nadolny, Tristan Ochoa, Rene Parra, Heriberto Parra, Julio Perez Castillo, Jafet Peter, Andreas Phillips, Thomas Ramirez, Alfredo Raygoza, Edgar Rostro, Juan Carlos Rubio Daniel Ruiz, Oscar Sarabia, Marcus Sepulveda, Adalberto |