GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT Basic Peace Officer Class 22-01
El Paso, Texas - Sheriff Richard D. Wiles and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office invite you to the upcoming graduation ceremony for Basic Peace Officer Class 22-01 on Thursday, December 22, 2022., at 10:00 am.
This group of hard-working individuals will be honored for their many hours of study, preparation, and hard work to reach their goal of becoming Sheriff’s Office Peace Officers. We would be honored with your presence at this celebration. Graduation will be held at Region VIII Training Academy Gym located at 12501 Montana Ave., El Paso, TX 79938.

CADETS: Alvarado, Marcos Arellano, Jose Cordova, Arturo Escamilla, Samantha Garcia, Jesus Garcia, Michael Garrocho, Jesus Garza, Ericka Hieatt, Kathrine Jimenez, Raul Lechuga, Samantha Mendoza, Pascual Morales Samuel Nadolny, Tristan Ochoa, Rene Parra, Heriberto Parra, Julio Perez Castillo, Jafet Peter, Andreas Phillips, Thomas Ramirez, Alfredo Raygoza, Edgar Rostro, Juan Carlos Rubio Daniel Ruiz, Oscar Sarabia, Marcus Sepulveda, Adalberto |