
EL PASO, TX - The El Paso County Sheriff's Office deputies conducted presentations on SAY NO TO DRUGS and STRANGER DANGER for the students of Desert Hills Elementary on January 29th and 30th, 2024. The deputies provided education to the students regarding the significance of being aware of their environment and being able to furnish detailed physical descriptions in the context of Law Enforcement and emergencies. The students were instructed on proper responses when encountering an unfamiliar individual or confronting perilous circumstances. The students were additionally educated about various classifications of drugs, as well as the detrimental impacts that drugs impose on both the brain and the body. Subsequently, the students were advised against experimentation with or associating with individuals engaged in such activities. Due to the high number of cases regarding possessions in schools, deputies are taking proactive measures to educate students to uphold moral conduct and resist the influence of peer pressure.

#IMPAWSTERS – 01/30/2024

If you are seeking further information or have any inquiries, we kindly request you reach out to us at EPASadoptions@elpasotexas.gov. We are more than happy to provide you with any additional details you may require.
When it comes to our Most Wanted pets, we ensure they are well taken care of before they find their forever homes. Each of these beloved animals undergo spay/neuter surgery, ensuring their long-term health and preventing potential breeding. Additionally, they receive age-appropriate vaccinations, safeguarding them against various diseases and promoting their overall well-being. To further enhance the safety and security of our pets, we also provide them with a microchip and registration. This invaluable measure ensures that in the unfortunate event of them getting lost or separated from their owners, they can be easily identified and reunited with their families.
We understand the importance of a smooth transition for the pets and their new owners. Therefore, we send each pet home with pet food and essential items such as bowls, leashes, and collars. These provisions aim to ease the initial adjustment period and provide the necessary tools for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the pet and their new family. Furthermore, as the famous quote suggests, "The world would be nicer if everyone could love as unconditionally as a dog." We believe in the power of unconditional love and the positive impact of pets on our lives. By providing these Most Wanted pets with the care they deserve and ensuring they are well-prepared for their new homes, we hope to form loving and lasting bonds between pets and their adoptive families.
Most Wanted Fugitives Week of January 26, 2024
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.
To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235

EL PASO, TX - La Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de El Paso ha recibido varias llamadas de ciudadanos de El Paso acosados por estafadores que se hacen pasar por empleados de la Oficina del Alguacil que intentan estafar monetariamente a las víctimas. El estafador telefónico afirma que el individuo/víctima tiene órdenes de arresto pendientes y debe pagar $4,000.00, o será arrestado. Ellos indican a la víctima que compre tarjetas prepagadas por $ 500.00 cada una para que pueda cumplir con sus órdenes de arresto.
La Oficina del Sheriff también desea recordar a los ciudadanos que nunca serán contactados por teléfono para solicitar el pago de citaciones de jurado perdidas, multas impagas u órdenes penales pendientes. Además, no se anima a los ciudadanos a intercambiar información personal o financiera por teléfono.
El público puede llamar a la Unidad de Órdenes de Arresto de la Oficina del Sheriff para confirmar si hay una orden de arresto pendiente a su nombre llamando al 915-546-2214. Para cualquier asunto relacionado con el servicio de jurado, comuníquese con el 915-546-8102.
Si alguien ha sido víctima de estas estafas, póngase en contacto con las autoridades correspondientes. El número que no es de emergencia del Departamento de Policía de El Paso es 915-832-4400, y el número que no es de emergencia de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de El Paso es 915-832-4408.
Comunicado De La Oficina del Alguacil

Public Service Announcement - PHONE SCAM ALERT 0124
EL PASO, TX - The El Paso County Sheriff's Office has received several calls from El Paso citizens harassed by scammers impersonating Sheriff's Office employees attempting to defraud victims monetarily. The Phone Scamer states that the individual/victim has outstanding warrants and must pay $4,000.00, or he will be arrested. They instructed the victim to purchase pre-paid cards for $500.00 each so that they could clear their warrants.
The Sheriff's Office would also like to remind citizens that they will never be contacted by phone requesting payment for missed jury duty summons, unpaid tickets, or outstanding criminal warrants. Additionally, citizens are encouraged NOT to exchange any personal or financial information over the phone. The public can call the Sheriff's Office Warrants Unit to confirm if there is an outstanding warrant in their name by calling 915-546- 2214. For any matters relating to jury duty, please contact 915-546-8102.
If anyone has been a victim of these scams, please contact the proper authorities. El Paso Police Department's non-emergency number is 915-832-4400, and El Paso County Sheriff's Office's non-emergency number is 915-832-4408.

FREE::: Hyundai Theft Prevention Event
Hyundai America will be at Camp Cohen during the listed dates to reprogram the security systems on as many of the listed Hyundai vehicles as possible. The event is to help alleviate this drastic rise in the thefts of Hyundai vehicles.

#IMPAWSTERS – 01/22/2024

If you are seeking further information or have any inquiries, we kindly request you reach out to us at EPASadoptions@elpasotexas.gov. We are more than happy to provide you with any additional details you may require.
When it comes to our Most Wanted pets, we ensure they are well taken care of before they find their forever homes. Each of these beloved animals undergo spay/neuter surgery, ensuring their long-term health and preventing potential breeding. Additionally, they receive age-appropriate vaccinations, safeguarding them against various diseases and promoting their overall well-being. To further enhance the safety and security of our pets, we also provide them with a microchip and registration. This invaluable measure ensures that in the unfortunate event of them getting lost or separated from their owners, they can be easily identified and reunited with their families.
We understand the importance of a smooth transition for the pets and their new owners. Therefore, we send each pet home with pet food and essential items such as bowls, leashes, and collars. These provisions aim to ease the initial adjustment period and provide the necessary tools for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the pet and their new family. Furthermore, as the famous quote suggests, "The world would be nicer if everyone could love as unconditionally as a dog." We believe in the power of unconditional love and the positive impact of pets on our lives. By providing these Most Wanted pets with the care they deserve and ensuring they are well-prepared for their new homes, we hope to form loving and lasting bonds between pets and their adoptive families.

#fureverhome #Adopt #elpaso #mostwanteddog #rescue #doglove #sheriff #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #doggo #rescuedog #mutt #pet #rescuedogsrock #doggy #deeohgee #dog #dogoftheday
Most Wanted Fugitives Week of January 19, 2024
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime. To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235.

EL PASO, TX - On Thursday, January 18, 2024, Deputies with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Fugitive Apprehension Unit received an arrest warrant for 47-year-old Medina, Eddy, on one outstanding criminal warrant. Deputies made contact with Medina at the 300 block of Valle Hermoso Drive. Medina was taken into custody without incident. Medina was subsequently booked into the El Paso County Jail for two counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault with a bond of $200,000.

EL PASO, TX - El Paso County Sheriff's Office Urges the Public to Report "Takeovers" and "Sideshows" to Non-Emergency Number. El Paso, TX, January 17, 2024 – The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is urging members of the public to report any instances of "takeovers" and "sideshows" to the Sheriff's Office non-emergency number at 915-832-4408. These illegal and dangerous activities threaten public safety and will not be tolerated in our community. "Takeovers," also called "sideshows," involve the reckless and unlawful blocking off intersections, speeding, and performing stunts such as drifting donuts and ghost riding. Ghost riding, in particular, consists of a driver exiting a moving vehicle to dance or perform near or on the car before re-entering to take over control, putting themselves and others at serious risk of injury or worse. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents and visitors to our community. By promptly reporting any incidents of takeovers or sideshows to our non-emergency number, community members can play a vital role in helping law enforcement take action to address these dangerous activities. Sheriff's Office Patrol Commander Ryan Urrutia stated, "The safety of our community is our top priority, and we will not tolerate illegal and reckless behavior on our streets. We urge anyone who witnesses or has information about takeovers or sideshows to contact our non-emergency number immediately. Your cooperation is essential to keep our roads safe for everyone." The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is committed to thoroughly investigating reports of takeovers and sideshows and taking appropriate enforcement action to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The cooperation and support of the public are invaluable in these efforts. For emergencies or immediate threats to public safety, individuals should always dial 911. However, the Sheriff's Office encourages the public to call 915-832-4408 to report non-emergency incidents related to takeovers or sideshows. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office thanks the community for their cooperation and assistance in helping to maintain the safety and security of our streets and neighborhoods.
#IMPAWSTERS – 01/12/2024

If you are seeking further information or have any inquiries, we kindly request you reach out to us at EPASadoptions@elpasotexas.gov. We are more than happy to provide you with any additional details you may require.
When it comes to our Most Wanted pets, we ensure they are well taken care of before they find their forever homes. Each of these beloved animals undergo spay/neuter surgery, ensuring their long-term health and preventing potential breeding. Additionally, they receive age-appropriate vaccinations, safeguarding them against various diseases and promoting their overall well-being. To further enhance the safety and security of our pets, we also provide them with a microchip and registration. This invaluable measure ensures that in the unfortunate event of them getting lost or separated from their owners, they can be easily identified and reunited with their families.
We understand the importance of a smooth transition for the pets and their new owners. Therefore, we send each pet home with pet food and essential items such as bowls, leashes, and collars. These provisions aim to ease the initial adjustment period and provide the necessary tools for a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the pet and their new family. Furthermore, as the famous quote suggests, "The world would be nicer if everyone could love as unconditionally as a dog." We believe in the power of unconditional love and the positive impact of pets on our lives. By providing these Most Wanted pets with the care they deserve and ensuring they are well-prepared for their new homes, we hope to form loving and lasting bonds between pets and their adoptive families.

Most Wanted Fugitives Week of January 12, 2024
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime. To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235.

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
EL PASO, TX - In recognition of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, on January 09, 2024, the Northwest Patrol Station Deputies of The El Paso County Sheriff's Office received a gracious recognition gesture from the Starbucks at 7051 S. Desert Blvd. The employees of Starbucks kindly presented coffee and pastries to express their appreciation to the law enforcement personnel.