NEWS RELEASE- The Crisis Intervention Team attends Career Day at SSG. Manuel R. Puentes Middle School
EL PASO, TEXAS – On September 27, 2024, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Crisis Intervention Team-(CIT) participated in Career Day at SSG. Manel R. Puentes Middle School. CIT Deputies talked with students in the middle about CIT's vital role in responding to and de-escalating mental health-related calls within El Paso County. Deputies emphasized the importance of remaining in school and getting good grades and spoke from their experience regarding the rewarding careers available in law enforcement. CIT Deputies endeavor to ensure the El Paso County Sheriff's Office continues to be positively represented in the community we serve by continuing to attend these types of events.

NEWS RELEASE- Motor Vehicle Accident – Red Sands
EL PASO, TEXAS – On September 29, 2024, at 10:37 PM, El Paso County Sheriff's Office Deputies were dispatched to Red Sands (15600 Montana Avenue) regarding a single Motor Vehicle Accident rollover. Upon arrival, the Deputies, along with first responders, found a 24-year-old female with serious injuries. The investigation is ongoing, and the Red Sands area has been secured. Special Traffic Investigators were requested. There is no additional information available at this time.


EL PASO, TEXAS – I've attached the Most Wanted Fugitives for the Week of May 10, 2024, submitted by the EPPD & EPCSO and distributed by Crime Stoppers of El Paso. As always, please verify warrants before executing and notify us if a subject has been arrested. If you have a fugitive that you have yet to be successful in locating and would like to feature them on the Most Wanted, please submit the information to pdcrimestoppers@elpasotexas.gov.
NEWS RELEASE- Sheriff’s Deputies Attend Career Day at Col. Ben Narburth Elementary School
El Paso, Texas – On September 20, 2024, deputies from the East Montana Patrol Deputies attended a Career Day at Col. Ben Narburth Elementary School. El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Deputies participated by educating students on the importance of the job serving as a Sheriff Deputy. Deputies had the opportunity to interact with students and gave them a glimpse of what a career in law enforcement looks like. Students were able to ask questions and were educated on the importance of continuing their education and pursuing careers in law enforcement. Deputies were able to showcase different tools used to fulfill their everyday duties. Students expressed their gratitude and were enthusiastic interacting with our Deputies.


EL PASO, TEXAS – I've attached the Most Wanted Fugitives for the Week of May 10, 2024, submitted by the EPPD & EPCSO and distributed by Crime Stoppers of El Paso. As always, please verify warrants before executing and notify us if a subject has been arrested. If you have a fugitive that you have yet to be successful in locating and would like to feature them on the Most Wanted, please submit the information to pdcrimestoppers@elpasotexas.gov.

NEWS RELEASE- Crisis intervention team attends the Big Texas Rally for Recovery
EL PASO, TEXAS – The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) was asked to participate in the Big Texas Rally for Recovery, which took place on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at Memorial Park. Recovery Alliance of El Paso has advocated and provided support services to those recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction in the El Paso community since 1998. CIT deputies were able to interact with participants who were in attendance. Deputies provided education regarding available mental health services and handed out Sheriff’s Office goodies. In collaboration with partner organizations in attendance, CIT furthered efforts to inform the public regarding mental health services within the El Paso community.

EL PASO, TEXAS – On September 10, 2024, the Montana Patrol Station (MPS) launched the "Mentoring Our Future Program." This initiative seeks to create an impactful mentorship with students in criminal justice programs at local schools within the Montana Patrol Station's command. This relationship-building is designed to strengthen community partnerships, establish youth outreach, and provide guidance and support to future law enforcement prospects. As part of this initiative, MPS detectives and deputies from the Criminal Investigations Targeted Response Unit (CITRU) hosted a "Lunch with Cops" event with eleven law enforcement students from the Mountain View High School Law Enforcement Program. MPS-CITRU sponsored pizzas, drinks, and snacks for the Mountain View High School law enforcement students. The Mountain View High School teacher, EMPS-CITRU sergeant, detectives, and deputies spent quality time, provided guidance, clarified questions, shared stories, and fostered a welcoming experience in the law enforcement field.


EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.
To access the Most Wanted page on the Crime Stoppers Website, please use the following link: http://www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=wanteds&ID=235.

Basic Detention Officer Class 24-03GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT

Class Name: APEX
Class Motto: “We will when others won’t’’
El Paso, Texas - Sheriff Richard D. Wiles and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office invite you to the upcoming Basic Detention Officer Class 24-03 graduation ceremony on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 10:00 am. This group of hard-working individuals will be honored for their many hours of study, preparation, and hard work to reach their goal of becoming Sheriff’s Detention Officers. We would be honored with your presence at this celebration. Graduation will be held at El Paso County Coliseum at 4100 E. Paisano Dr., El Paso, TX 79905. |

NEWS RELEASE- Theft Arrest at the 400 block of W. Main, El Paso County
EL PASO, TEXAS – On September 9, 2024, El Paso County Sheriff's Office Deputies were dispatched to the 400 block of W. Main St (Dollar General), in El Paso County, TX, in reference to a theft that just occurred. Deputies observed a male subject in the area matching the description and detained him. The subject was identified as 47-year-old Nick Anthony Carrasco. Further investigation revealed that Carrasco appropriated a 32 oz. Beer can come from the store without paying for the property. Deputies discovered that the Offender had five prior convictions for theft. The Offender was subsequently taken into custody and booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility for Felony Theft of Property <$2500 2/Prev Convictions.

EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org.
You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.