Back to School Backpack Giveaway
July 30, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On July 30th, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Section has partnered with Operation Hope for the past several years on a very rewarding event. Several organizations and businesses came together to help students with over 800 backpacks to include lots of school supplies. The event was held at the Rock Faith Center from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. A lot of excitement with The Superheroes and Michael Jackson Impersonator. They also offered free haircuts to those who wished to take advantage of it. On behalf of Sheriff’s Office, we want to thank Mr. Noe Valle at Glasheen, Valle, and Inderman Injury Lawyers on their continued support to the El Paso Community.

School Supply giveaway in Tornillo
July 30, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On Friday, July 29th, 2022, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Deputies partnered with Commissioner Iliana Holguin on the School Supply giveaway in the Tornillo Area. Students from the Tornillo Middle School and Tornillo High School took advantage of the free supplies as they get ready to start school next year!

Edward Homes Presentation
July 30, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On Wednesday, July 27th, 2022, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Deputies from the East Montana Patrol Station were invited to attend the Edwards Homes, Environmental & Safety Solutions Stormwater Training. The training was provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), El Paso Water District, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The Training consisted of all the safety procedures that their employees and self-contractors need to follow. Deputies provided information on the prevention of thefts in the construction zones and tips on how to keep the job sites secured. Recommendations were made to place all materials and appliances in trailers and securing them with locks. Deputies will be in the areas of construction conducting area patrol to deter any thefts from occurring.

Most Wanted Fugitives Week of July 29, 2022
EL PASO, TEXAS – Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., distributes fugitives wanted by the El Paso Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office every week through the Most Wanted feature. The attached fugitives are individuals, where attempts in locating them for one reason or another have been unsuccessful. The agencies submit these fugitives to Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., which distributes them to the news media and offers the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline for information regarding the whereabouts of these fugitives. Anyone with information on the location of any of these fugitives should call Crime Stoppers of El Paso immediately at (915) 566-8477 (TIPS), or submit the information on-line at www.crimestoppersofelpaso.org. You will remain anonymous, and if your tip leads to an arrest, you can qualify for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers of El Paso, Inc., is a non-profit organization that brings together the community, law enforcement, and the media to solve crime.

Featured Fugitive Is Apprehended - William Harold Eaton
EL PASO, TEXAS – William Harold Eaton, who was initially featured on the Crime Stoppers Most Wanted on April 22, 2022, has been apprehended. Eaton was wanted for SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER W/PREV CONV IAT.

Featured Fugitive Is Apprehended - Tyrone Lee
EL PASO, TEXAS – Tyrone Lee, who was featured on the Crime Stoppers Most Wanted has been apprehended. Lee was featured on July 22, 2022, and he was wanted for AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILD (27 COUNTS).
Please remove Lee from any postings, as they are no longer wanted for these charges.

Active Shooter and School Safety Presentation at Tornillo ISD
July 27, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On Tuesday, July 26th, 2022, The El Paso County Sheriff's Office conducted a presentation regarding school safety and active shooters to the employees of the Tornillo Independent School District. The presentation occurred during the district's staff convocation to prepare for the 2022-2023 school year. Commander Ryan Urrutia discussed school safety with district employees and why school safety is all our responsibility. Instructors Deputy Gandara and Deputy Placencia provided two presentations to the district staff based on the active shooter course developed by Texas State University and ALERRT. The training discusses the Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events. (CRASE) The course prepares students to Avoid, Deny or Defend during an incident.
Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training: Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (alerrt.org)

Online Solicitation of a Minor - Derek Cervantes
July 27, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On Monday, July 25, 2022, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Deputies assigned to the Montana Patrol Station received information that a wanted subject was staying at a residence at the 4200 block of Osceola St. Deputies contacted the homeowner and located wanted subject, 20-year-old Derek Cervantes, inside the residence. Cervantes was arrested on an outstanding criminal warrant for Online Solicitation of a Minor. The subject was booked into the El Paso County Jail under a $25,000 bond.

For More Information,
Please Contact EPASadoptions@elpasotexas.gov
All Most Wanted pets come with their spay/neuter surgery, age appropriate vaccinations, microchip, and registration. Pets will also be sent home with pet food and supplies (bowls, leash, and collar)

Featured Fugitive IS Apprehended - Ricardo Guzman
EL PASO, TEXAS – Ricardo Guzman, who was initially featured on the Crime Stoppers Most Wanted for the week of July 15, 2022, has been apprehended. Guzman was wanted for AGG ASSLT W/DEADLY WEAPON.

Body Found in Irrigation Canal
July 26, 2022
El Paso, Texas – On July 22nd, 2022, at 1:45 pm., El Paso County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to an irrigation canal near the 14100 block of Riverside Rd. in reference to a body that had been discovered by employees of the El Paso County Water Improvement District. The 42-year-old victim has been identified but the Sheriff's Office is working on next of kin notification with the Mexican Consulate. The victim was a migrant crossing into the United States.
Transition Program at Ft. Bliss
The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and County Human Resources participated in a job fair located at Ft. Bliss from 9am-2pm. This Transition Program-job fair was for Military members and their families. This program is aimed to those military personnel who will be leaving the military. Human Resources, Sheriff’s Office Academy staff and Community Services are participating on recruitment efforts. The efforts include a beautiful backdrop, new design on the recruitment brochure, and nice giveaways. The new professional set up allowed our group to stand out and attract new potential candidates.
An HR Rep, Gerry Ibarra, Detention Officer, Margarita Chavez (Academy Instructor), and Deputy, Ricardo Rivera (Academy Instructor), represented the Sheriff’s Office and were able to answer questions regarding recruitment opportunities or description of the job functions. In addition to the new setup, we used surface pros which were utilized for informational purposes for potential candidates. This allows us to show them the job posting, allow possible candidates to apply or play action videos of the job.


The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office continues to receive calls from El Paso citizens harassed by scammers impersonating Sheriff’s Office employees attempting to monetarily defraud victims. The scammer/offender identifies themselves as a representative from the Sheriff’s Office claiming that the individual/victim has ignored their jury duty summons, unpaid tickets, warrants, or court summons. The individual/victim is then advised to make a payment to resolve the matter. The Sheriff’s office would also like to remind citizens that they will never be contacted by phone requesting payment for missed jury duty summons, unpaid tickets, or outstanding criminal warrants. Additionally, citizens are encouraged NOT to exchange any personal or financial information over the phone. The public can call the Sheriff’s Office Warrants Unit to confirm if there is an outstanding warrant in their name by calling 915-546- 2214. For any matters relating to jury duty please contact 915-546-8102.
If anyone has been a victim of these scams, please contact the proper authorities. El Paso Police Department non-emergency number is 915-832-4400 and El Paso County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency 915-832-4408.
Featured Fugitive IS Apprehended - Jacob Matthew Vasquez
EL PASO, TEXAS – Jacob Matthew Vasquez, who was featured on the Crime Stoppers Most Wanted for the week of July 22, 2022, has been apprehended. Vasquez was wanted for DECEPTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICE x2.

July 25, 2022
El Paso, Texas - On Monday, July 25, 2022, at about 3:54 am, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Deputies from the Peter J. Herrera Patrol Station were dispatched to the 300 block of NW I Ave., in Fabens, TX. Deputies were dispatched in reference to a domestic verbal. As Deputies attempted to place 41-year-old Lorenza Guadian into custody for an Emergency Detention Order, she began to resist, and spit into the eye of the arresting deputy. Guadian was subsequently placed under arrest for Harassment of Public Servant. Guadian was booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility under a $10,000 bond.