Transition Program at Ft. Bliss
The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and County Human Resources participated in a job fair located at Ft. Bliss from 9am-2pm. This Transition Program-job fair was for Military members and their families. This program is aimed to those military personnel who will be leaving the military. Human Resources, Sheriff’s Office Academy staff and Community Services are participating on recruitment efforts. The efforts include a beautiful backdrop, new design on the recruitment brochure, and nice giveaways. The new professional set up allowed our group to stand out and attract new potential candidates.
An HR Rep, Gerry Ibarra, Detention Officer, Margarita Chavez (Academy Instructor), and Deputy, Ricardo Rivera (Academy Instructor), represented the Sheriff’s Office and were able to answer questions regarding recruitment opportunities or description of the job functions. In addition to the new setup, we used surface pros which were utilized for informational purposes for potential candidates. This allows us to show them the job posting, allow possible candidates to apply or play action videos of the job.