EL PASO, TEXAS – On October 18, 2024, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Montana Patrol Station (MPS) held its "A Day in the Life of" event as part of the "Mentoring Our Future Program." This initiative aims to foster meaningful mentorship connections with students in criminal justice programs at local schools under the MPS command.
During the event, MPS detectives and deputies from the Criminal Investigations Targeted Response Unit (CITRU) spent the day with fifteen Mountain View High School Law Enforcement Program law enforcement students. The students toured the Montana Patrol Station and received training on the daily activities and responsibilities of deputies, detectives, sergeants, and lieutenants.
The El Paso County Sheriff's Officers Association generously provided pizzas, drinks, and snacks for the students. Additionally, the students visited the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Region VIII Training Academy, where they met academy instructors and learned about the daily life of a cadet during training. They also learned about the traditions and commemorations of Sgt. Ruben Orozco and Deputy Peter John Herrera.
The visit included a tour of the EPSO Fire Range, where the students met USPSA National Shooting Champion and Fire Range Instructor Justin Martinez. They participated in a critical incident simulator, gaining insights into officer safety, de-escalation techniques, and the use of force continuum.
This relationship-building program is designed to strengthen community partnerships, enhance youth outreach, and provide guidance and support to future law enforcement professionals.