Gang Intelligence Unit Presentation at Horizon Middle School
EL PASO, TX - On April 8, 2024, a team of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Detention Officers Gang Intelligence Unit embarked on a critical mission - to educate and inform the young minds at Horizon Middle School about the perils of gang affiliation. With a sense of duty and a desire to protect the community, these officers shared their valuable knowledge and insights on Gang Intelligence. As they stood before the attentive students, the officers spoke about the detrimental effects of being associated with gangs, emphasizing the risks and consequences of such affiliations. Through engaging presentations and interactive discussions, they provided valuable guidance and instruction on identifying the signs of gang involvement and how to resist and steer clear of these harmful influences. By sharing their firsthand experiences and knowledge, they offered a unique perspective that allowed the students better to understand the complexities and dangers of gang culture. Through their dedication and commitment to serving and protecting the community, these officers made a lasting impact on the young minds they interacted with, instilling a sense of empowerment and resilience in the face of potential dangers.