Statement from El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Richard D. Wiles on the loss of El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.
“While the El Paso Police Department and the citizens of El Paso lost their beloved Chief of Police, I also lost a dear friend. I met Greg Allen early in my career and later appointed him as a Deputy Chief because of his unwavering support of the patrol officers who worked in the field; this support continuing during his time as Chief of Police. Greg was a strong believer in law and order and held steadfast to his commitment of holding criminals accountable.
I could go on and on about Greg’s accomplishments and recognitions, but the thing I will miss most about him is our long phone conversations in which we were able to vent to one another. Today we lost a dedicated public servant, and friend to many, who gave over forty-four years of his life to the service of his community. I will miss you Greg. On behalf of all the men and women of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, I send our sincerest condolences to his wife, Rosanne, his family and friends, and every member of the El Paso Police Department.”