January 5, 2023
EL PASO, TEXAS - Sheriff Richard D. Wiles and the El Paso County Sheriff's Office would like to announce our partnership with another area school to the community. The Sheriff's Office is beginning a partnership with the Tornillo Independent School District; this is an addition to the Sheriff's Office School Resource Program, which has been in place for eight years and includes Clint, San Elizario, and Fabens school districts. Patrol Division Commander Ryan Urrutia has been able to grow the program over the past eight years, from nine School Resource Officers in two school districts to twenty School Resource Officers in four school districts. The program serves as a security measure for the campuses, mentorship of students, education on social media postings, drug education awareness, and consciousness to parents and staff. Commander Ryan Urrutia, who leads the School Resource Officers Team, would like to remind parents and staff in our community that we are working to ensure our children have the safest educational environment to learn and grow.