DRO Homepage

Brian D. Stanley
Domestic Relations Office Director

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite LL-108
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Phone (915) 273-3533
Fax (915) 273-3539

More Information

Fees, Forms and More
Customer Service (FAQ)
Law Library
Other Resources

Attorney General

If you have an Attorney General case, please contact them at: 1-800-252-8014
Visit Website

If you need to apply for Crime Vicitim's Compensation:
Apply for Crime Victims' Compensation | Office of the Attorney General

Children need guidance, love, rules and financial support to grow into a role model adult and repeat the cycle for the generations to come. Community Supervision also known as civil probation is not the same as criminal probation. Civil probation involves contact with a Probation Officer which He/She will meet with the probationer according to the needs of their case. If the probationer is unemployed then they meet weekly, the Probation Officer will make sure that they are putting forth effort into locating and applying for a job. With our affiliated programs, we refer probationers to programs such as Fatherhood Initiative, Texas Workforce, and others. Our goal is to assist the probationer with the tools to be financially responsible and make sure they are paying their child support/medical support payments and on a timely basis.

The Texas Family Code permits the lawful collection of child support arrearages and interest to continue until all amounts are paid in full no matter the age or marital circumstances of the child(ren).

The Texas Family Code permits income withholding to continue until all amounts of child support arrearages and statutory interest are paid in full no matter the age or marital circumstances of the child(ren).

The Domestic Relations Office provides, as a service to the parties, the notification to employers for the purposes of stopping the income withholding order

Depending on your case, you might be mandated to attend a Budget Class to educate you in Financial Responsibility. This will assist you to become self-sufficient and comply with your court-ordered obligations. Below is an example of a monthly budget which can be utilized at any time.

Please click on the button below to take the Budget Management Class
Budget Management Class
Budget Spreadsheet

  • In person reporting
  • Email reporting
  • Fax reporting
  • Phone reporting

These options are available but will be at the consent & approval of the CSO officer.

Depending on your case, and if you are in need of further assistance, you may be referred to the Fatherhood Effect Program. - [ click here to access Fatherhood Effect Program ]