The majority of our services can be applied for online by submitting an application by clicking on the getting started button above.


Payments can also be made online with a credit card here or by check or money order mailed to El Paso County Domestic Relations Office, 500 E. San Antonio Ave., LL-108, El Paso, Texas 79901.

Please contact us using one of the following methods if you need further assistance: email at domesticrelations@epcounty.com or by phone at (915) 834-8200

DRO Homepage

Brian D. Stanley
Domestic Relations Office Director

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite LL-108
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Phone (915) 273-3533
Fax (915) 273-3539

More Information

Fees, Forms and More
Customer Service (FAQ)
Law Library
Other Resources

Attorney General

If you have an Attorney General case, please contact them at: 1-800-252-8014
Visit Website

If you need to apply for Crime Vicitim's Compensation:
Apply for Crime Victims' Compensation | Office of the Attorney General

DRO's Facebook page

Event Calendar

Event Calendar

View videos

Pay Fees
Online →
Litigants →
Civil Penalty Application for Access & Possession →
Course →
Access & Possession
Modification →
Record of
Support Order →
Access & Possession
Enforcement →
Child Support
Services →
Parenting Class →
Court Order Orientation
Class: English →
Court Order Orientation
Class: Spanish →
Court Topics Class for
Self-Represented Litigants →

The goal of the Domestic Relations Office is to enhance the quality of life for children in El Paso County by monitoring, collecting and enforcing child support and medical support obligations. We care about you and your child, and are actively engaged in the continuous improvement of our processes through collaborative efforts with our internal and external stakeholders to maximize the collection of court-ordered child support in El Paso County.

The goal of Integrated Child Support System is to monitor, enforce and provide modification services on orders in El Paso County that have established child support, medical support, and dental support obligations. This program allows our office to intercept tax refunds, issue passport denials, license suspensions, and other administrative remedies including modifications of child support without having to appear in court.

The primary goal of this unit is to see that these persons remain in compliance with the orders of the court and when they are not, to refer the case back to court for appropriate action. CSU provides the Family District Courts with an effective statutory method of both monitoring and enforcing court orders and is a cost saving alternative to incarceration.

The goal of Access and Possession is to get you out of litigation as soon as possible. We accomplish that by opening the lines of communication early in the legal process to assist you in learning how to share time with your children. That is one of the reasons we offer access coordination at no charge.

Family Court Services assists parents in minimizing conflict during litigation, provides tools for co-parenting after the case is resolved, and offers neutral assessment and fact finding for the family law courts.