DRO Homepage

Brian D. Stanley
Domestic Relations Office Director

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite LL-108
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Phone (915) 273-3533
Fax (915) 273-3539

More Information

Fees, Forms and More
Customer Service (FAQ)
Law Library
Other Resources

Attorney General

If you have an Attorney General case, please contact them at: 1-800-252-8014
Visit Website

If you need to apply for Crime Vicitim's Compensation:
Apply for Crime Victims' Compensation | Office of the Attorney General


Possession and Access Enforcement

Child Access and Possession Enforcement Services

Access and Possession is the time that the court has awarded each parent to be with the children outside any mutual agreement between the Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents. It is a visitation schedule that the court has either specified or given as a standard. If you are currently being denied access of your children. Please contact us immediately.Enforcement - Access and Possession

Agreed Parenting Plans

Is your Access and Possession Schedule outdated? Do you need something a little more flexible? Here at the Domestic Relations Office we can rearrange your parenting plan as long as parties agree. Also we can generate alternatives for parents who need public places for exchanges and maybe supervised visitation if needed. Please fill out an Access and Possession application to open a case.

Applications available under forms


Access and Possession Enforcement Live Q&A

The last Thursday of the Month from 12:00-12:30 p.m. MST

The Domestic Relations Office will answer questions, provide Court Order Orientation, and describe the access and possession enforcement process with the Domestic Relations Office. This meeting is live and will be recorded. The DRO will also have bilingual staff members available for questions in Spanish. You can send your questions before the meeting to: domesticrelations@epcounty.com . The Domestic Relations Office will NOT be providing Legal Advice.

How to log on:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 299 568 279 941 Passcode: G35A8r

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 469-848-0247,,41744525#   United States, Dallas

Phone Conference ID: 417 445 25#