Judge Marlene Gonzalez
Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [
view map]
Suite 902, 9th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 543-3850
Fax: (915) 543-3832
Al Alderete
Court Coordinator
Carlos Hernandez
Administrative Specialist, Intermediate
Terry Thummel -
Court Reporter
Marco Camarillo
Leonardo Lara
Administrative Specialist, Intermediate
The Court and the Court staff
are not allowed to give legal advice. All legal questions should be directed to an attorney.
Second Amended Standing Order of the 388th District Court (PDF)
Hearing Request Form (REV. 3.25) (PDF)
Pro Se Handbook (English) (PDF)
Manual para Litigantes de Auto Representacion (PDF)
2022 Standard Possession Order (SPO) Calendar (PDF)
DRO Family Court Topics (PDF)
Live Question and Answer Sessions on Access & Possession (PDF)
HOW TO REQUEST HEARING: Fill out Document 3: Hearing Request Form (REV. 9.21) and send to assigned court and to that court only. On subject, please put “Hearing Request” if you are submitting a hearing request. On body of the email list your case number. For cases in the 388th District Court please send to:
388thDC@epcounty.com. For cases in the Associate Family Court One please send to:
All documents are available to be viewed on the following Google Drive Link -
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yvZUcC0ViCCSmBjSCAeLawgZYUGMe1ZN?usp=sharingCourt Reporter Transcript Request: To contact the 388th District Court reporter, please send email to Terry Thummel at
TeThummel@epcounty.com. To contact the Associate Family Court One reporter, Anne Clark, email: An.Clark@epcounty.com with your request.
ZOOM HEARINGSUntil further notice, all hearings in the 388th District Court will be heard by Zoom or considered by submission, except as otherwise scheduled with leave of court. Please do not appear in person at the courthouse unless you have received confirmation from the Court Coordinator that your case is set for an in-person hearing or trial.
The 388th has two Virtual Courtrooms – one for Judge Marlene Gonzalez, Presiding Judge and one for Judge James D. Lucas, Associate Judge. The Zoom links for the Virtual Courtrooms are posted below. You may also access the Virtual Courtrooms by launching the Zoom app or by going to
https://zoom.us/ and selecting “Join a Meeting.”
Please see the
Court Policies, Procedures and Rules of Practice. (PDF) for more detailed information. The meeting IDs are as follows:Judge Marlene Gonzalez – 388th Judicial District Court.
https://txcourts.zoom.us/j/98010908133Judge James D. Lucas – 388th Associate Family Court # 1.
https://txcourts.zoom.us/j/98966843908NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS: We want to make sure we are able to communicate efficiently when needed. Please fill out the 388th Judicial District Court contact information list on the link below to ensure that you are added to our most up-to-date attorney contact information list. We will send general announcements to this email list when necessary. You may update at any given time.
This list will not update your contact information on Odyssey or with Council of Judges.ATTORNEYS | Contact List for the 388th DC. | LINK:
https://forms.gle/iR9dVBiXPBFgE9J28Uncontested Divorces / DocketUncontested Divorces are heard everyday
Monday to Friday from 8:15 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. If you would like to prove up an uncontested divorce or other uncontested matter at a different time than the 30-minute period scheduled every morning, you should contact Al Alderete (388th Court Coordinator) or Carmen Avitia-Ortiz (Associate Court Coordinator) to schedule such hearing.
InterpretersA party who needs an interpreter must inform the Court either the day before or an hour before a scheduled hearing that an interpreter is needed. Even if a timely, advance request is made, the Court cannot ensure an interpreter will be available. Because the criminal courts are given priority over Court interpreters provided by the County, a party may choose to arrange for a privately hired interpreter.
EXHIBIT AND DOCUMENT POLICY. All attorneys and pro-se litigants shall submit evidentiary exhibits and trial-related documents by e-mail where possible. Exhibits for cases pending before the 388th are to be submitted using 388thDCExhibits.gem@epcounty.com as the e-mail address. Exhibits and trial related documents pending before Associate Family Court #1 are to be emailed using 388thACExhibits.gem@epcounty.com as the email address. Emails of all exhibits shall be provided to the Court and to opposing counsel at least 48 hours before the hearing or trial. Evidentiary exhibits that cannot be e-mailed shall be delivered to the Court at least 48 hours before any hearing or trial. Opposing counsel shall be informed of the content evidentiary exhibits that cannot be emailed and are physically delivered to the Court before any hearing or trial. All exhibits shall be preceded by a cover page that lists each exhibit to be submitted as evidence during the hearing or trial. This cover page should list the CASE NUMBER on the subject line and provide a brief description of the exhibits submitted for use in the evidentiary hearing or trial. (DO NOT USE THE E-MAIL FOR COURT EXHIBITS TO SUBMIT MOTIONS OR REQUESTS FOR HEARINGS. ALL SUCH MOTIONS OR HEARING REQUESTS SHALL BE DISCARDED AND WILL NOT BE CALENDARED IF SUBMITTED ON THE E-MAIL FOR COURT EXHIBITS. ALL PLEADINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTS MUST BE FILED WITH THE DISTRICT CLERK. FOR MOTIONS AND HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS - USE THE EMAIL ADDRESS
388thDC@epcounty.com or
Additional InformationPlease see the
Court Policies, Procedures and Rules of Practice. (PDF) for more detailed information.
Associate Court #1