- As a result of the health risks associated with COVID-19, our court employees will be performing their functions remotely until April 1, 2020, or until further notice.
- The courts remain open but ONLY ESSENTIAL court proceedings will be heard. Parties are encouraged to continue to work towards a resolution of pending cases through telephonic and electronic communications. Video conferencing is also encouraged. We will continue to make every effort to reduce social contacts and limit nonessential proceedings while still being mindful of our duties and responsibilities.
- The Council of Judges has posted policies of the courts and other justice system partners online at Court Response

Courts Homepage

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite 101
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Other Resources

Texas Court Help

Court of Appeals

Chief Justice Maria Salas Mendoza

Lisa Soto, Justice Place #2
Gina M. Palafox, Justice Place #3

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 1203
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 546-2240
Fax: (915) 546-2252

Eighth Court of Appeals Online

Jail Magistrate

District Courts - Criminal Cases Only

District Courts - Civil and Criminal Cases

Tax Court

Tax Court
Susanne Fierro
Email: SFierro@epcounty.com
(11th Floor)

500 E. San Antonio Room 1106
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone (915) 834-8236
Fax (915) 834-8283
Tax Court
Susanne Fierro
Email: SFierro@epcounty.com
(11th Floor)

500 E. San Antonio Room 1106
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone (915) 834-8236
Fax (915) 834-8283

District Courts - Civil Cases Only

Civil type cases: Wrongful termination, slip and falls, discrimination, damages, asbestos, expunctions, workers compensation, contracts, and other civil matters.

District Courts - Family Cases Only

Family type cases: Divorces, Modifications of Child Support, Protective Orders, Adoptions, Terminations, Child Protective Service cases and Juvenile prosecutions.

County Courts at Law - Civil Cases Only

Civil type cases: Workers compensation, damages, evictions, asbestos, JP appeals, condemnations, wrongful terminations.

County Courts at Law - Criminal Cases Only

Criminal type cases: DWI, family violence, bond forfeitures, burglaries, prostitution.

County Courts at Law - Civil and Criminal Cases Only

Judge Ruben Morales

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 806, 8th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 273-3735

Araceli Jane
Court Coordinator

Patricia De La Rosa

Maria Chavez
Court Reporter

Ad Litem Application/Registration Form

County Courts at Law - Family Cases Only

Family type cases: Divorces, Modifications of Child Support, Protective Orders, Adoptions, Terminations, Child Protective Service cases and Juvenile prosecutions.

Family Law - Associate Judges

Judge James Lucas

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 903, 9th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 543-3859
Fax: (915) 543-3858

Zoom Link:
388th Associate Family Court # 1.

EXHIBITS: Exhibits and trial related documents pending before Associate Family Court #1 are to be emailed to 388thACExhibits.gem@epcounty.com.

Carmen Avitia-Ortiz
Court Coordinator

Marina Flores - ma.flores@epcounty.com
Court Reporter

Israel Beard
Judge Patrick D. Bramblett
Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 1102, 11th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Email: 383FC2@epcounty.com
Phone: (915) 543-3871

Court Zoom ID: 849 6941 9408

Passcode: 276297

Gina Arias
Court Coordinator

Cesar Anchondo

Judge Karen Pelletier

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 1103, 11th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 273-3706

Tina Bohren
Court Reporter

Cecy Estrada
Court Coordinator

Carlos Alvarez

Zoom Meeting ID

Hearing Request Form

Probate Courts

Child Support Courts

Child Support Court Number 1
Judge Laura Strathmann

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 603, 6th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 546-2010
Fax: (915) 834-8291

Sylvia Zubia
Court Coordinator

Juan Carlos (JC) Ayala

Judge Phyllis Gonzalez

Contact Information:
500 E. San Antonio [view map]
Suite 604, 6th Floor
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: (915) 546-2036
Fax: (915) 543-3814

View Hearings on YouTube

Iris Quiroga
Court Coordinator

Zoom meeting ID 989 6818 5999
Judge Richard Ainsa - JPD1
6400 Delta
Phone: 915-273-3491 Ext. 2262
Fax: 915-273-3849

Judge Maria Leyva-Ligon - JPD2
6400 Delta
Phone: 915-273-3491 Ext. 2582
Fax: 915-273-3853