DRO Homepage

Brian D. Stanley
Domestic Relations Office Director

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite LL-108
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm

Phone (915) 834-8200
Fax (915) 834-8299

More Information

Fees, Forms and More
Customer Service (FAQ)
Law Library
Other Resources

Attorney General

If you have an Attorney General case, please contact them at: 1-800-252-8014
Visit Website

If you need to apply for Crime Vicitim's Compensation:
Apply for Crime Victims' Compensation | Office of the Attorney General

We are the Domestic Relations Office and we have several departments within that are inter-connected to provide services that assist children in having a better future and a better family life.

We offer several services that only cost an annual $36 fee that is state mandated pursuant to Texas Family Code section 203.005

Through innovate initiatives, we strive to educate parents and enrich the lives of children to ensure a bright future for El Paso County.

Our goal is to help families succeed after a divorce or separation and to establish cooperative parenting, enforce child support, medical support, insurance, out-of-pocket medical expenses and visitation. Do you have a Final Order, if so, we can help!