Justices of the Peace Homepage
Contact Information
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Physical Address:
435 E. Vinton Rd.
Suite C
Vinton, Texas 79821
[view map]
Phone (915) 273-3513
Constable Precinct 7
Justices of the Peace Directory
Precinct 1 - Robert T. Pearson
Precinct 2 - Brian J. Haggerty
Precinct 3 - Josh Herrera
Precinct 4 - Rebeca Bustamante
Precinct 5 - Lucilla Najera
Precinct 6-1 - Ruben Lujan
Precinct 6-2 - Enedina Nina Serna
Precinct 7 - Humberto Enriquez
Find my JP precinct
Search with your address then click on County elected officials to find your precinct.
Please be advised that clerks are not permitted to give any legal advice or provide legal forms
Service Fees (effective 9/1/2017):
Small Claims, Repair and Remedy Claims and Debt Claims: $54.00 Filing Fee, $139.00* for one individual and $85.00 for each additional person
Evictions: $154.00* for one individual and $100.00 for each additional person
Writ of Possession: $225.00*
Abstract of Judgment: $5.00
Writ of Execution: $225.00
Jury Fee: $22.00 (must be requested and paid at least 3 days before the trial date)
Appeal Fee $54.00 + Bond Amount (please refer to the court for this amount)(must be posted by the 21st day after the judgement date)
Subpoena Fee: $85.00
Counter-Claim Fee: $54.00
* includes Constable service fee for one defendant
Claims Process (effective 9/1/2013):
Once claim is filed, defendant will be served with a copy of the suit between 1 to 90 days. Once defendant has been served, they will have until closing time on the 14th day after the suit was served on them to file their answer to the suit with the court. It is the responsibility of the Plaintiff to file a request for hearing on the case after this time has lapsed.
Justice of the Peace Local Rules
Legislative Rules for Justice Courts
Amended Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 47, 500.3, 509.2 and 509.6
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Affidavit
Defendants Answer - Eviction Case
Defendants Answer- Small Claim
Claudio Ibarra: Court Coordinator - cibarra@epcounty.com- ext. 2421
Norma Rosales: Administrative Specialist Sr.- nrosales@epcounty.com - ext. 2422
Amanda Morales: Juvenile Case Manager - am.Morales@epcounty.com - ext. 2425
Sandra Medina: Court Clerk Intermediate - smedina@epcounty.com - ext. 2423
George Villegas: Court Clerk Intermediate - gevillegas@epcounty.com - ext. 2424
Michelle Reyero: Court Clerk Intermediate - mreyero@epcounty.com - ext. 2427
Rosario ”Chayo” Galceran: Court Clerk Intermediate - rgalceran@epcounty.com - ext. 2428
General Information: - justicepeace7@epcounty.com - ext. 3513