Justices of the Peace Homepage
Contact Information
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for Lunch from
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Physical Address:
500 E. San Antonio
3rd Floor, Suite 308
EL Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]
Phone (915) 273-3589
Fax (915) 273 3578
Constable Precinct 3
Justices of the Peace Directory
Precinct 1 - Robert T. Pearson
Precinct 2 - Brian J. Haggerty
Precinct 3 - Josh Herrera
Precinct 4 - Rebeca Bustamante
Precinct 5 - Lucilla Najera
Precinct 6-1 - Ruben Lujan
Precinct 6-2 - Enedina Nina Serna
Precinct 7 - Humberto Enriquez
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Josh Herrera became Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3 in January 1, 2019. Judge Herrera began his legal career as an Assistant District Attorney for El Paso County, where he prosecuted a variety of misdemeanor cases and continued his career in private practice. Judge Herrera began his judicial career in 2015 as a Criminal Law Magistrate for El Paso County where he served until 2018. Since his tenure as Justice of the Peace, Judge Herrera has served on the following boards: Council of Justices, Juvenile Board, Dispute Resolution Committee, Bond Review Committee, and Criminal Law Committee.
Judge Herrera was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. His mother, an educator, and father, a general contractor, instilled in him the importance of hard work and education. Judge Herrera attended the University of Texas at El Paso and graduated with a B.A. in Political Science. He then attended the University of Utah, SJ Quinney College of Law. Judge Herrera was grateful to return to his hometown, to be a servant to the public, and to do his very best to provide equal access to justice to all litigants in Precinct 3.
Justice of the Peace Local Rules
Legislative Rules for Justice Courts
Service Members Civil Relief Act Affidavit
Justice Court Civil Case Information Sheet
Monica Carmona: Court Coordinator - mcarmona@epcounty.com
Arlene Gonzalez: Admin Specialist, Senior - argonzalez@epcounty.com
Roxanne Chavez: Juvenile Case Manager - rochavez@epcounty.com
Areli Aguirre: Court Clerk, Intermediate - araguirre@epcounty.com
Graciela Valenzuela: Court Clerk, Intermediate - gravalenzuela@epcounty.com
Sarina Ramirez: Court Clerk, Intermediate - sarramirez@epcounty.com