Planning and Development Homepage

Director of Planning and Development
Michael McElroy

Contact Information

Office of Public Works
800 E Overland, Suite 200
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone: (915) 273-3330

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Links to Municipalities

City of El Paso
City of Socorro
City of Horizon
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Town of Anthony
Town of Clint
Village of Vinton

Links to Agencies

El Paso County Open Records

Predevelopment, Design, Implementation and Administration of Water & Wastewater Infrastructure programs for the County of El Paso

Mission Statement
To further close the existing service gaps and disparities in basic services in the County and to create a sustainable community development program to meet present and projected community needs by undertaking research and planning activities, assessing needs, procuring grant funding and managing resources to address basic necessities and strategic projects.

Department Description and Responsibilities
The department responsibilities range from community development to a series of strategic plans for the provision of essential services. Means and methods include assessing community needs, forecasting future growth to promote economic development. Establishing & preparing a ranking system and action plan in relation to county Colonia infrastructure priorities. Prepare grant proposals, environmental clearances and execute grants. Assure that the county's Infrastructure Development activities respond to Commissioners' Court and community needs effectively, coherently, ethically, professionally and efficiently. Duties include:

  1. Administrative start-up for programs and project development.
  2. Procurement of professional and construction services.
  3. Financial administration and reporting.
  4. Environmental clearance of all projects.
  5. Program management, supervision of infrastructure construction activities.
  6. Strategic planning to address the water, sewer and health and human service needs of rural communities.
  7. Program collaboration and coordination with localities, service providers and regional agencies.
  8. Infrastructure Development Department serves as the principal administrator on all Texas Community Development Program projects, United States Department of Agriculture- Rural Developments, Texas Water Development Board and the EPA/NADB as the regulatory and statutory officer for Labor Standards, Equal Employment Opportunity, Fair Housing, OSHA and EPA/TNRCC.
  9. Program closeout and audits

Maintain awareness of legislative changes to current mandates, policies, and judicial decisions, and provide information to the Court with an assessment and recommendations outlining the effects of the new rule or subsequent policy change.

Special assignments by the Court can be challenging, especially when the assignments are complex, lengthy or not funded. The department accepts these responsibilities and adjusts its assignments to accommodate the task. While the major performance indicators are set through a system of benchmark and metrics, community goals are (re)aligned and pragmatically linked to the prevailing political will and availability of funding. The most important performance indicator for this department is the benchmark that establishes a standard of excellence. Steady gains in performance have been achieved through a combination of factors, a high quality staff member, despite the departmental staff and budget cuts experienced in 2009 has ensured county residents continue to receive services.

Programs Provided

Water & Wastewater: The department applies for state and federal grant funding for first-time water and wastewater services to qualified existing residential Colonias within the unincorporated areas of El Paso County. Colonia residents must qualify and meet the minimum requirements to receive such services.

Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA) Program. The Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance (HRA) program provides the following services under the HRA initiative:

Reconstruction of owner-occupied housing on the same site; New Construction of site-built housing on the same site to replace an existing owner occupied Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU); Replacement and relocation of existing housing located in a floodplain to a new MHU or New Construction of housing on an alternative site; and New Construction or a new MHU to replace a housing unit that has become uninhabitable as a result of disaster or condemnation by local government. Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance Program (

Precinct 1 Active Projects Precinct 3 Active Projects Precinct 4 Active Projects

Infrastructure Dashboard

Colonias Map