Public Defender Homepage

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
Suite 501
El Paso, Texas 79901
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Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Phone (915) 273-3536
Fax (915) 273-3541

Juvenile Cases

6400 Delta Dr.
El Paso, TX 79905
Phone: (915) 273-3491
Fax: (915) 273-3850

Other Information

Public Information Act
News & Updates

NOTICE: This site is maintained by the El Paso County Public Defender's Office as a public service. It is intended for informational purposes only. The information here is not legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice please CLICK HERE.

What we do

We defend children charged with juvenile misconduct; and adults charged with misdemeanor, felony or capital crimes. We also represent those involved in CPS and child neglect cases.

The Public Defender’s Office does not decide whether a person is indigent or unable to hire a lawyer. That decision is made by the courts, and the court administration offices. (click here for a list of offices which take applications for appointed lawyers). We do not take applications for court appointed lawyers. In order for us to represent you, you must apply and qualify for a court appointed lawyer. We must be appointed by the jail magistrate or one of the County or District Judges in El Paso County.

Our goal is to provide our clients the best defense. The Public Defender’s Office prides itself in providing client-centered representation to all of our client. In addition, our lawyers are supported by a dedicated professional team of investigators, social workers, a mitigation specialist, and legal support staff.

Visit the Legal Staff section
Visit the Appeals section
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions section


Fallen Warriors

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.

Commissioner Haggerty

Daniel R. Haggerty (1948 - 2013)
Dan believed in our mission. He believed poor people deserved good representation. He championed our cause, whether we needed more lawyers, more training funds or more space. Dan was a loyal friend, a kind and generous man and a dedicated public servant. His sense of humor and his willingness to speak his mind were unmatched. He was our Champion!
The face that launched a thousand ships and persuaded many jurors.

Blu Sanders

Blu Sanders (1942 - 2011)
Blu is the kind of guy that can make you laugh when you are having a horrible day and cannot imagine a thing to laugh about. He is the kind of coworker that would drop everything to run to court with you or answer a question for you. He is the kind of lawyer that has done everything and can tell a war story about every judge and every lawyer – he knows everyone and everything. He is the kind of friend that can make you feel special and important even when you are neither. We had the joy to work with Blu for 7 years. Working with Blu has been a treat and he will be missed by everyone.

And just plain ole nice!
Every day in some small way, We miss you more than words can say.

Scott Segall

Scott Segall (1949 - 2007)
Scott’s integrity moved him to take increasingly difficult and ugly cases. He worked as a Public Defender for seven years. Every afternoon that Scott was not in trial we would hear his deep melodious voice echoing through the halls, calling for “sugar, fat, salt! Sugar, salt, fat!” Trying a case with Scott was a privilege. He always told us that he valued our opinion because we never agreed on anything, and he got to see both sides of the issue that way. He often asked, “What’s the point if you are just going to tell me that I am brilliant?” He was brilliant though, and we wish that we had told him that more often while he was alive.

And just plain ole nice!
In our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day.

Peter Bright

Peter Bright (1951 - 2007 )
We honor seven years of service and commitment to our Office and to the defense of the Constitution, and your defense of those most in need of its protection: the underprivileged, the indigent, the accused. Thank you for your tireless advocacy, for fighting for your clients with pen and sword. For standing between the individual and the unfettered power of the State; for standing between the accused and his accuser, his jailer and executioner. For protecting your client’s dignity, freedom and life. For wielding your sword with courage and bravery, with skill and precision, y con mucho corazon. Lay down your shield, Warrior, pass me your sword. You fought your last battle, you defeated your last foe. You were called home. Those of us remaining will honor your name and attempt to be worthy of your sword.
The golden years we spent together are not forgotten; they are ours forever.

Dan Kopra

Dan Kopra (1957 - 2005)
Throughout his life, Dan found joy in the outdoors and music. He developed a love for the water at an early age and was an avid swimmer and scuba diver. He frequently went to Balmorhea to scuba dive and recently took his first extended diving trip in the Bahamas with friends. Family and friends often enjoyed listening to Dan play piano and guitar; this was a source of great happiness to him. Born in Austin, Texas, February 26, 1957, Dan became an Eagle Scout before graduating from McCallum High School in Austin. Dan earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The University of Texas at Austin in 1979 and a Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1986 from St. Mary s University in San Antonio. Dan moved to El Paso in 1987 to become an Assistant Attorney General and in 1989 began service as an Assistant District Attorney. In 1996, he joined the Public Defender s Office. Dan was a member of the Texas State Bar and a leader for the Eckankar group in El Paso.
The golden years we spent together are not forgotten; they are ours forever.

Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy (1940 - 2003)
Bob was a gifted advocate with great concern for his clients and his fellow man. He worked with the Adult Drug Court Program to help clients overcome their addiction and return to active, productive lives. Bob was the ultimate gentleman, and was the very picture of professionalism. Running into him, seeing his smile, sharing a funny story always made your day better. You could not help but be touched by his kindness and his gentle soul.