Justices of the Peace Directory
Precinct 1 - Robert T. Pearson
Precinct 2 - Brian J. Haggerty
Precinct 3 - Josh Herrera
Precinct 4 - Rebeca Bustamante
Precinct 5 - John Chatman
Precinct 6-1 - Ruben Lujan
Precinct 6-2 - Enedina Nina Serna
Precinct 7 - Humberto Enriquez
Contact Information
El Paso County Courthouse
500 E. San Antonio
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]
Phone 915-546-2000
Constable Precinct 4
Constable Luis “Louie” Aguilar
The Constable's Office for Precinct 4 (Eastside) handles all warrants and civil process that are generated by the
Justice of the Peace Court, Pct #4. The JP warrants generated by the court are for traffic tickets, truancy cases, class C misdemeanor cases, and unpaid tax cases.
The Constable for Precinct 4 also handles criminal warrants for the County Sheriff's Office, County Attorney, and the State Attorney General's Office Child Support Division.
2350 George Dieter
view map
El Paso, Texas 79936
Office Main Number: (915) 273-3503
Office Fax Number: (915) 273-3508
Staff Directory
El Paso County East Side Annex
2350 George Dieter Dr., Suite A
El Paso, Texas 79936
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2360
Email: lu.aguilar@epcountytx.gov
Administrative Specialist, Intermediate
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2354
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-3059
Email: n.aleman@epcountytx.gov
Administrative Specialist, Intermediate
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2353
Email: r.delgado@epcountytx.gov
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2359
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-7125
Email: n.juarez@epcountytx.gov
Deputy Constable
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2358
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-7533
Email: ce.casas@epcountytx.gov
Deputy Constable
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2357
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-5273
Email: al.nava@epcountytx.gov
Deputy Constable
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2356
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-5671
Email: o.hernandez@epcountytx.gov
Deputy Constable
Phone (Office): (915) 273-3503 Ext. 2355
Phone (Cell): (915) 238-2755
Email: ant.martinez@epcountytx.gov