Online Registration, Presumptive Value, Enforcement

Online Registration Renewal
Standard Presumptive Value

Military Title & Registration, License Plates

Military Title & Registration
Military Specialty License Plates

Tax Office Homepage

Tax Assessor Collector
Ruben P. Gonzalez

View Bio

Contact Information

Tax Office
301 Manny Martinez Dr., 1st Floor
El Paso, Texas 79905
[view map]

Phone 915-771-2300
Fax 915-771-2301

More Information

Administrative Staff
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Texas Department of Public Safety
El Paso Central Appraisal District
City of El Paso
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Delinquent Tax/Collectors Firm

Initial Military Title & Registration Process:

Step 1 - If you are applying for a Texas title and registration you will need:

  1. The current title or registration receipt from the non-titled state where vehicle was last titled/registered (Or MCO if a new unregistered vehicle). If the ownership and description of a vehicle cannot be determined or there is doubt regarding information on a foreign document, a translation into the English language is required. The translation must contain a notarized or acknowledged affidavit from the translator, including the name and address of the translator.
  2. In addition, if applicable:
    * If importing from another country, vehicle must pass U.S. DOT safety and EPA emissions requirements, in addition to clearing U.S. Customs must obtain a USDOT Form HS-7 or a US Customs Form 7501.
  3. *If you are applying for registration purposes only (no title will be issued) you will need:
    1. Proof of foreign evidence of ownership (Foreign Registration Receipt, Tarjeta de Circulacion; Fahrzeugbrief, etc.)
    2. An Application for Registration Purposes Only form (Form VTR-272)

Step 2 - Complete an Application for Texas Title (Form 130-U).

Step 3 - All vehicles must pass a Texas Safety Inspection and the vehicle identification number must be verified by a TxDPS authorized safety inspection station before applying for Texas title and/or registration. Therefore, must obtain and submit a Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) issued by a Texas State vehicle inspection station, OR complete and submit a VIN Self-Certification form (Form VTR-272-B).

Step 4 - Vehicle Identification Inspection (Form 68A) is required and may be obtained by contacting the Enforcement Division @ 771-2332 to schedule an appointment.

Step 5 - Proof of military service or Leave and Earnings Statement (LES).

Step 6 - Obtain insurance on the vehicle that meets the state’s minimum requirements (30/60/25). "No fault" insurance is not valid proof of financial responsibility in Texas. However, proof of financial responsibility from out of state or out of country is acceptable if the insurance company is licensed to do business in Texas and reflects the above minimum amounts. You will be required to furnish the declarations page for registration purposes.

Step 7 - Weight Certificate from a certified weight station if the vehicle is a commercial vehicle in excess of one (1) ton, trailer or semitrailer. (If applicable)

Step 8 - Weight Certificate from a certified weight station if the vehicle is a commercial vehicle in excess of one (1) ton, trailer or semitrailer. (If applicable)

• Driver's license or state identification issued by a state or territory of the U.S.
• U.S. or Foreign passport
• U.S. military identification card

Step 9 - Fees:
• Registration fee for passenger car or truck (6,000lbs or less) $50.75
• Title Application Fee $33.00
• Local and county fees $20.00
• Automation Fee $ 1.00
• DPS Insurance Fee $ 1.00
• TSI (Texas State Inspection Fee) $ 8.25
• Taxes: Military personnel moving to Texas owe either the motor vehicle use tax or the new resident tax.
Motor Vehicle Use Tax: (6.25%)
A military person with Texas as the home state of record purchases a motor vehicle in Texas or is a Texas military person who is stationed outside Texas, but chooses to register a vehicle in Texas, 6.25% motor vehicle sales tax is due; the value of the vehicle will be determined at the county and is based on the Standard Presumptive Value (SPV) of the vehicle. You may use the SPV calculator to determine vehicle value
OR, you may provide a copy of your PAID Tax Receipt IN YOUR NAME of sales tax paid in another state in order to determine the proper sales tax due and/or credit. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) foreign military personnel, their dependents and military-employed civilians in affiliation with NATO, are exempt from the motor vehicle sales and use tax.
New Resident Fee (if applicable) $ 90.00
New Texas residents---is any person moving into Texas with the intent to live or located within Texas. The new resident who has purchased a motor vehicle outside of Texas and brought into Texas by the new resident is required to register the vehicle within 30 days of becoming a Texas resident and/or establishing gainful employment. This is in lieu of the 6.25 percent use tax imposed on a Texas resident.
• Application must be filed within 60 working days from the date of Texas purchase or first use in Texas to transfer title and pay registration fees on the purchase of a used motor vehicle to avoid late penalty fees.

Important Notes Military personnel stationed within Texas may display on their vehicles current license plates from their state of legal residence OR current license plates from the state of their last duty station, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Upon the expiration of such plates, must obtain license plates from either the state of legal residence or from the State of Texas.
  2. U.S. military personnel returning from Foreign Service will be permitted to operate vehicles in Texas displaying license plates issued by the U.S. Armed Forces or the host nation for a period of not more than 90 days after the date on which the vehicle returns to this state.
  3. Military personnel returning to Texas from separation from military service must obtain Texas registration within 10 days following the effective date of such separation.