Capital Planning & Performance Management Division

Jose M. Landeros
Director of Strategic Development
Jose M. Landeros

View Biography

Contact Information

Office of County Administration

Capital Planning &
Performance Management Division

500 E. San Antonio, Room 302
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone (915) 273-3592
Fax (915) 273-2871


Danielle Chavez
Senior Research Analyst

Christine Cuevas
Executive Assistant

To successfully manage implementation and tracking of the various initiatives identified with the County’s ARPA Portfolio, there were various staffing resources included in the Portfolio to assist with the performance management of all identified projects. The Office aggregated various project milestone and narrative data from all project leads and teams once the Portfolio was adopted. This information has been used to track project implementation status via a month Project Readiness Report. The monthly report aims to identify issues that may affect a project’s ability to remain fiscally constrained and on schedule. If a project has shown little progress or issues have been identified, the project is flagged via various alert levels to help inform any future actions that may be taken regarding the project. This manual process will transition to a fully electronic web application aimed to be launched at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2023 as described below.

ARPA Project Public Dashboard

The County has utilized the Envisio Wed-Based Platform for management of the County’s Strategic Plan for several years. This medium has proven effective at promoting public accountability and transparency by providing the County with a dedicated public-facing dashboard while also having robust project tracking abilities, including the ability to measure the various key-performance indicators outlined within this plan. The County has appropriated funding to acquire additional licenses and expand use of the web-app to include tracking of the County’s project inventory. This will streamline reporting and increase the ability for decision makers and residents of the community alike to evaluate the County’s progress on implementing the entire Portfolio.

This site is now live and can be viewed at the link below!.
View public dashboard

Performance & Outcome Analysis Methods & Structure

The County’s overall objective in structing the ARPA Portfolio is to increase quality of life and resilience for the community. The Portfolio includes four main program areas that will also be used to measure performance, as allowed by the latest reporting guidance from US Treasury. The following areas are:
  • Improved Public Health Operations & Outcomes
  • Increased Access to Critical Infrastructure & Support Services
  • Increased Economic Recovery Efforts
  • Effective Administrative Operations

The performance analysis will aim to measure the various project outputs that ultimately inform the Portfolio’s outcomes. As many of these projects remain in their earliest phases, the development of these measures remains a working draft that will be finalized, implemented, and measured in Fiscal Year 2023. The detailed research method and structure, including describing which projects will utilize evidence-based practices, in the 2022 Recovery Plan.

For a more detailed discussion, please see the 2022 Recovery Plan by clicking on the button below