Capital Planning & Performance Management Division
Director of Strategic Development
Jose M. Landeros
View Biography
Contact Information
Office of County Administration
Capital Planning &
Performance Management Division
500 E. San Antonio, Room 302
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone (915) 273-3592
Fax (915) 273-2871
Danielle Chavez
Senior Research Analyst
Christine Cuevas
Executive Assistant
The County Commissioners Court created the Capital Planning & Performance Management Division, a division of the County Administration Department, through a combination of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and local funding to help lead the County’s management of strategic financial investments and programs, including the entire ARPA Portfolio. The Office is charged with providing elected leadership, appointed officials and the public with timely, relevant and actionable details and information regarding the County’ use of strategic funding sources.
Staff is charged with providing accountability regarding management of large-scale projects while also providing solution design and implementation assistance to individual project teams. The Office continues to develop its role and scope of work within the County to improve efficiency and effective service delivery. The Office focuses on the following areas and tasks: