Tax Assessor Collector
Ruben P. Gonzalez
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Contact Information
Tax Office
301 Manny Martinez Dr., 1st Floor
El Paso, Texas 79905
[view map]
Phone 915-273-3430
More Information
Administrative Staff
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Texas Department of Public Safety
El Paso Central Appraisal District
City of El Paso
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Delinquent Tax/Collectors Firm
The Office of the El Paso County Tax Assessor-Collector, through its Enforcement Division, urges consumers to be cautious when purchasing a motor vehicle. In order to register a motor vehicle in El Paso County, Texas, the following conditions must be satisfied: The vehicle must be titled in the name of the seller and properly assigned to the buyer.
To bring vehicle registration violators, who live in El Paso County and have vehicles with license plates from out of state or country, to register their vehicles in Texas, either voluntarily or through enforcement action.
A bill of sale, invoice, or purchase order is required. Copy of buyer's current drivers license is required. The purchaser must go to any of the El Paso County Tax Office or contracted offices and file the title application.
Proof of current automobile insurance is required. If the registration is not current, there may be a registration fee.
Purchaser and seller must each sign and clarify the sales price on the title application form. (Forms 130-U are available at El Paso County Tax Office or may also be obtained from website
When purchasing a vehicle from a licensed Texas dealer, the dealer is required to complete all the paperwork necessary to title and register the vehicle in your name. The dealer is also required to file the documents with the El Paso County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office within 20 business days from the date of the purchase of the vehicle. Be especially cautious when purchasing a vehicle from an individual who does not have a title in their name. A consumer who buys a vehicle from a person that is not a licensed Texas dealer runs a high risk that: