Ethics Commission Homepage

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio, Ste. 302B
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Phone (915) 273-3600

Other Resources

Financial Statements/ Campaign Contribution Reports
Violations Found
Live Video

Election season is upon us and for that reason, the El Paso County Ethics Commission would like to remind all County employees to comply with local and state election rules. For example, there are some Texas Election Code rules that apply to all Texans. This includes a prohibition against any individual electioneering or loitering within 100 feet of an outside door through which a voter may enter a polling place during the voting period. “Voting period” means the period beginning when the polls open for voting and ending when the polls close or the last voter has voted, whichever is later. This prohibition includes posting, using or distributing political literature or signs such as t-shirts, buttons, or engaging in solicitation. Additionally, there are specific rules that County employees should bear in mind this election season. For additional guidance, please review the Elections Guidance adopted by the El Paso County Ethics Commission which can be accessed here.

The stability of democracy depends upon the continuing consent of the governed, which in turn depends upon the trust the electorate holds for its government. The Ethics Commission of the County of El Paso, Texas, in concert with elected county officials, as well as leaders of the various county departments, recognizes the need to maintain the public trust and confidence in the workings of county government and has adopted a Code of Ethics. The Commission invites members of the public to participate in their open meetings.

Board Commissioners

Bryan Cleavenger
-El Paso Society for Human Resources Management
-County Judge's appointment
-County Civil Service Commission
-Commissioner Pct. 1 appointment
-El Paso Bar Association
-Commissioner Pct. 2 appointment
-Dispute Resolution Center
-Commissioner Pct. 3 appointment
-Sheriff's Civil Service Commission
-Commissioner Pct. 4 appointment

Meeting Information:
Once per Quarter
2025 Dates:

  • January 9th
  • April 3rd
  • July 3rd
  • October 2nd

This meeting may include one or more Commissioners that will participate by video conference, and El Paso County employees that will participate by video conference, which is allowed pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.127. A quorum of the Ethics Commissioners will be physically present at the El Paso County Human Resources Training Room, 500 E. Overland, El Paso, Texas 79901. A member of the Ethics Commissioners who is presiding over the meeting will also be physically present at the location listed above. The meeting is open to the public during the open portions of the meeting, and the Commissioner participating by video conference shall be visible and audible to the public for as long as the Commissioner is able to participate.

Please check agenda for meeting details.

Agendas and Minutes can now be found at:

Agenda and Minutes Archives:

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