District Attorney Homepage

DA James Montoya
District Attorney
James Montoya
34th Judicial District
DA Seal

Contact Information

500 E. San Antonio
2nd Floor
El Paso, Texas 79901
[view map]

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Phone: (915) 273-3542
Fax: (915) 273-3561
Email ElPasoDA@epcounty.com

Due to the sensitivity of all cases, we ask that you do not email any information or questions regarding a case. Please contact a Victim Advocate directly.

For Victims Assistance needs, please send your inquiries here:

For all PIA requests, please email: DAPIARequests.gem@epcounty.com

Helpful Numbers:

Victims' Assistance
EPPD Emergency 911
DA Victim Assistance Program 915-273-3553
EPPD Victim Assistance 915-212-4011
County Attorney Protective Orders 915-273-3238
Sheriff Victim Services 915-538-2242
Attorney General's Office 1-800-983-9933
Ft. Bliss Family Advocacy 915-568-9129
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid 915-585-5100
Emergency Crisis Hotlines
Center Against Sexual and Family Violence 915-593-7300
Mothers Against Drunk Driving 1-877-623-4357
Emergence Health Network 915-779-1800
Texas Abuse Hotline/Dept. of Family and Protective Services 1-800-252-5400
The Center Against Sexual and Family Violence 915-595-2238
Child Crisis Center 915-562-7955
Opportunity Center 915-577-0069
Runaway Center 915-562-4765
Salvation Army 915-544-9811
La Posada 915-544-4595
Villa Maria 915-544-5500
Reynolds House 915-274-2598
Food and Rental Assistance
General Assistance 915-273-3496
Project Bravo 915-562-4100
El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank 915-298-0353
St. Vincent de Paul Immigration 915-564-4357
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services 915-532-3975
Las Americas Migrant Advocacy Center 915-544-5126
Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799

Helping Victims:

Call 915-273-3553 Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM to speak to trained, caring victim advocates.

You are not alone - They can help!
Help, Hope, Healing

Ayudando Victimas:

Llame al 915-273-3553 de lunes a viernes de 8am a 5pm en donde le atenderán representantes capacitados, quiénes estarán dispuestos a ayudarle

Rights of Victims of Crime

  • Receive adequate protection from harm and threats of harm arising from cooperation with prosecution efforts;
  • have their safety considered by the magistrate when setting bail;
  • receive information, on request, of relevant court proceedings, including appellate proceedings, of cancellations and rescheduling prior to the event, and appellate court decisions after the decisions are entered but before they are made public;
  • be informed, when requested, by a peace officer about the defendant’s right to bail and criminal investigation procedures, and from the prosecutor’s office about general procedures in the criminal justice system, including plea agreements, restitution, appeals and parole;
  • provide pertinent information concerning the impact of the crime to the probation department prior to sentencing;
  • information about the Texas Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund and payment for a medical examination for a victim of sexual assault, and, on request, referral to social service agencies that provide additional assistance;
  • information, on request, about parole procedures; notification of parole proceedings and of the inmate’s release; and the opportunity to participate in the parole process by submitting written information to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for inclusion in the defendant’s file for consideration by the Board prior to parole;
  • a separate or secure waiting area at all public court proceedings;
  • prompt return of any property that is no longer needed as evidence;
  • prompt return of any property that is no longer needed as evidence;
  • have the prosecutor notify, upon request, an employer that the need for the victim’s testimony may involve the victim’s absence from work;
  • on request, counseling and testing regarding AIDS and HIV infection and testing for victims of sexual assault
  • request victim-offender mediation coordinated by the Victim Services Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
  • be informed of the use and purpose of a victim impact statement, to complete a victim impact statement and to have the statement considered before sentencing and acceptance of a plea bargain and before an inmate is released on parole.

Victim Impact Statement


Fill out and email to: DAVictimsAssistance@epcounty.com or submit by mail or in person: Victim Assistance: 500 E. San Antonio, Ste. 201, El Paso, Texas 79901

Texas Crime Victims' Compensation Program Application


Solicitud del Programa de Texas para Compensacion a las Victimas del Crimen


The District Attorney's Victim Assistance Program does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, veteran status, genetic information or any other legally protected characteristic.