HR Homepage

Contact Information

500 E. Overland
El Paso, Texas 79901
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Phone (915) 546-2218
Fax (915) 546-8126

The Public Information Act

Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public.

Public Informatino Act
Request for Open Records/Public Information

Other Information

Organizational Chart
Mother-Friendly Worksite Program

U.S. Legal Servies

Pre-Paid Legal is now available to County employees as a Payroll Deduction. Your monthly membership cost is only:
$16.90 for the Family Defender Plan
$12.95 for the Identity Defender Plan
$26.85 for Family Defender & Identity Defender Plan

How to use your Pre-Paid Legal Services Membership:

As a member, you have access to a Provider Law Firm that can help you with your legal questions and problems. They are referred to as your "Provider Law Firm" because they provide you with legal services under your membership.

Step 1: When you need an attorney, call the toll-free number listed on your permanent membership card you'll soon receive in the mail. You will reach your Provider Law Firm.

Step 2: The person answering your call will ask you for your name and membership number. Your membership number is listed on the back of your membership card. Have your membership card available when you make the call. Be sure the person you are talking to understands you are a new member with U.S. Legal Services

Step 3: The person answering your call will also ask you what type of legal concern you are calling about. This helps to choose a lawyer in the Provider Firm who knows the most about your legal question. You should then leave a number and a time when you can be reached. Your Provider Law Firm will return your call within 6 business hours.


One price covers member, spouse, never married dependent children under 21 at home or 23 full time college students, children under age 18 for whom you are the legal guardian and any physically or mentally challenged dependent children regardless of age living at home.

Unlimited toll-free telephone consultations Preparation of your WILL, Living Will and Durable Health Care Power of Attorney
Letter/Phone calls on your behalf Traffic Tickets Assistance or Representation
Contract and Document Review Vehicular Tragic Accident Representation
Mortgage Document Assistance - Selling, refinancing, or purchasing a home Job-related Criminal Suit Representation
Uncontested Separation/Annulment Civil lawsuits Representation
Uncontested Divorce IRS Audit Representation
Uncontested Adoption Legal Shield - 24 Hour Access for certain emergency related issues
Uncontested Name Change 25% discount other services

Identity Theft

Covers member and spouse, Covers all types of identity theft: financial, criminal, social security, driver's license, medical NATIONWIDE

Credit Report
Credit Monitoring
Identity Theft Restoration