Scoliosis Awareness Month sheds lights on a spinal condition that millions of people in the United States, adults and children alike, experience and seek medical treatment. The primary age of onset for Scoliosis is between ten and fifteen years of age, with females being five times more likely to progress to a curve magnitude that will require treatment. Raising awareness is key in helping individuals combat Scoliosis. Screening programs allow for early detection, while an increase in research and funding help reduce pain and suffering by those affected.
In June of 2018, Commissioner Leon and the El Paso Commissioners Court declared June as “National Scoliosis Awareness Month,” in El Paso County Texas.

The Pro Shop at the El Paso County Sportspark opened their doors to the public on Saturday, June 30, 2018 during their inaugural high school tournament. Parks Director, Veronica Myers, Commissioner Leon and Sportspark employees were present during the much awaited grand opening. Come check it out!
El Paso County Sportspark
1780 N. Zaragoza
El Paso, TX 79936

A presentation was made during Commissioners Court recognizing GC Services for their generous donation to the Carlos Leon Blanket Drive. They collected approximately 600 blankets for the vulnerable families in our community this winter season. The blankets were distributed to three different organizations: The Opportunity Center, The Reynolds Home and the El Paso County Community Services Department.
GC Services is a well-respected employer in El Paso and understands how critical a local presence is to the success of a program. Today, they have four contact center locations operational here and are very proud to be part of this great city. GC also shares their employees’ compassion and concern for the communities in which they work. GC Services’ El Paso offices have participated in a number of community projects including, the Child Crisis Center Food Drive, Humane Society Pet Food Donation Drive, West Texas Food Bank Food Drive, Advocacy Center for Children Donation Drive, Toys for Tots Toy Drive, Angel Tree, as well as various blood drives and recycling awareness campaigns.
In August 2017, County Commissioner Carlos Leon held his 3rd Annual Blood Drive at the El Paso County Courthouse and Bravo Cadillac. This blood drive benefits United Blood Services, which supplies area hospitals with the lifesaving blood our community depends on. Commissioner Leon annually holds this blood drive to ensure there is blood available for those who need it.
Thank you to all who participated!

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This week VibraLife opened their doors to the eastside El Paso community on July 19, 2017. During their ribbon cutting ceremony Commissioner Leon was recognized as they unveiled the “Leon Courtyard,” dedicated to his remarkable recovery as a patient at Highlands Rehabilitation Hospital. Commissioner Leon emphasized how this new organization is bringing 100 new jobs to the eastside area.

Commissioner Leon approved and adopted two resolutions on Monday, May 8, 2017 recognizing our law enforcement agencies for “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day,” and “National Correctional Officers’ Week.” Commissioner Leon took the the time to thank our men and women in uniform, and expressed how much we appreciate and value what they do to protect our communities.
Thank you!

Commissioner Leon started his 2nd term on January 1, 2017. Some of the most notable projects Leon oversaw in his first term include the following:
Travel Disclosure Report, creating transparency in government travel.
I-Plow software for the County Clerk’s department, bringing the county revenue from unpaid fees.
- Make county government services accessible by having a satellite office at the Eastside Annex.
- Oversaw the completion of the El Paso County Sportspark.
- Proposed local preference legislation, to help keep money in El Paso.
- $8.5 million United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wastewater Project for the Desert Acceptance Community in 2017.
- Helped upgrade security at Ascarate when the discovery of alleged theft was uncovered.
- Supporting 381 Economic Development Agreements, to expand local business in El Paso.
- Working with Judiciary on Jury Duty attendance.
- County kiosks at satellite offices to better assist county residents.
- Commissioner Leon is currently the president for the Rio Grande Council of Governments and serves on statewide boards, the Texas Health and Human Services Committee and the Rio Grande Regional Review. Other boards he serves on are the El Paso Psychiatric Center, United Blood Services, Bail Bond, Juvenile Probation Department and the El Paso Fire Department Medical Advisory Committee.

On October 31, 2016, Commissioner Leon hosted the El Paso County Sportspark’s Inaugural Trunk-or-Treat on Halloween Night. It was a huge success, and we can’t wait to start planning for next year’s event. The kids had a safe environment where they could trick-or-trick while parents pass out candies from their trucks. The evening ended with a Disney movie and dinner provided by participating food trucks.
On December 14, 2016, Commissioner Leon and Harmony Public Schools collaborated to brighten the spirits of children by gifting jackets and toys to our local Annunciation House. It was definitely the highlight of our Holiday Season.
From the Office of County Commissioner Carlos Leon
Merry Christmas and Happy Year!
Source: El Paso Times
Commissioner Leon would like to take this opportunity to thank our great community for the support and generosity shown to Osdi Ramirez, who traveled 2000 miles with his father from Guatemala to El Paso in hopes of receiving treatment for a very serious heart condition. U.S. Customs and Border Protection allowed Osdi and his father to remain under “Temporary Asylum” for his medical attention. I understand that Osdi will be treated by renowned surgeons and we pray that he will recover and have a chance at life. Phone calls to help Osdi are still coming in and I cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude of our great El Paso community. Donations can be made at
Commissioner Leon was first elected 2nd Vice-President of the Rio-Grande Council of Governments in 2015. When the 1st Vice-President opted out of the President seat, Commissioner Leon did not hesitate to step up to the plate. On September 9, 2016, Leon was elected as the new President of the Rio Grande Council of Governments.

2nd Annual
Commissioner Carlos Leon Blood Drive
Partnering with District Attorney Jaime Esparza
‘Out for Blood for Our Community’
County Commissioner Carlos Leon will hold his 2nd Annual Blood Drive on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the El Paso County Courthouse located at 500 East San Antonio from 9:00am to 4:00pm and will continue at Fox Toyota of El Paso from 2:00pm to 7:00pm.
The Blood Drive will benefit United Blood Services, which supplies area hospitals with the lifesaving blood our community depends on. On August 26, 2009, Commissioner Leon depended on volunteer blood donors following a serious motorcycle accident in Mesilla, New Mexico, which nearly ended his life. After receiving several blood transfusions and underwent multiple surgeries, Commissioner Leon made a significant recovery, and today wants to give back to the community and help ensure there is blood available for those who need it.
WHO: Commissioner Carlos Leon and District Attorney Jaime Esparza
WHAT: 2nd Annual Commissioner Carlos Leon Blood Drive
WHEN/WHERE: Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 9:00am - 4:00pm at the El Paso County Courthouse and 2:00pm – 7:00pm at Fox Toyota of El Paso

Commissioner Carlos Leon held his Precinct 1 community meeting at the El Paso County Eastside Annex on Tuesday, July 26, 2016. County Administrator, Betsy Keller, introduced herself to the community and spoke on several topics regarding El Paso County.

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, El Paso County Commissioner Carlos Leon, Anthony Independent School District and the El Paso Sports Commission partner up to bring the Summer Food Service Program to the Coliseum. The program will run from July 12 to August 19, 2016. AISD will provide all food and materials Monday through Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Summer Food Service Program Description:
When school is not in session, the food service program provides children 18 and under with nutritious meals at no cost. The Texas and United States Department of Agriculture administer these Child Nutrition Programs for Texas through sponsor-partnerships with community groups, public agencies, parks-recreation, faith-based organizations and businesses.

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