Commissioner Leon’s Swearing In
Commissioner Leon started his 2nd term on January 1, 2017. Some of the most notable projects Leon oversaw in his first term include the following:
Travel Disclosure Report, creating transparency in government travel.
I-Plow software for the County Clerk’s department, bringing the county revenue from unpaid fees.
- Make county government services accessible by having a satellite office at the Eastside Annex.
- Oversaw the completion of the El Paso County Sportspark.
- Proposed local preference legislation, to help keep money in El Paso.
- $8.5 million United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wastewater Project for the Desert Acceptance Community in 2017.
- Helped upgrade security at Ascarate when the discovery of alleged theft was uncovered.
- Supporting 381 Economic Development Agreements, to expand local business in El Paso.
- Working with Judiciary on Jury Duty attendance.
- County kiosks at satellite offices to better assist county residents.
- Commissioner Leon is currently the president for the Rio Grande Council of Governments and serves on statewide boards, the Texas Health and Human Services Committee and the Rio Grande Regional Review. Other boards he serves on are the El Paso Psychiatric Center, United Blood Services, Bail Bond, Juvenile Probation Department and the El Paso Fire Department Medical Advisory Committee.