June 2014 - Posts
On Montwood Drive:
The contractor has finished compacting road for subgrade from Windrock to Zanzibar, and are currently placing the base course in preparation for paving activities.
On Windrock:
The contractor has finished compacting the parkway sub-grade and finished pouring colored concrete from Montwood to Buckwood.
They are also currently cutting the roadway sub-grade in preparation for paving activities at a later date.
On Montwood Drive:
Workers are currently pouring box culvert floors, tops and walls between Trinidad and Honolulu, and then back filling the trenches for the box culverts once they have been given enough time to cure properly.
At Wedgewood contractors have installed a new 8” water main line and a new hydrant.
On Windrock:
The contractor has finished installing the wheel chair ramps for the sidewalks.
Posted detours remain in place along Montwood Drive between McRae and Yarbrough. Eastbound and westbound traffic will continue travelling in the lanes south of the median.
*Information provided by City of El Paso: Engineering and Construction Management Department
County Commissioner Carlos Leon held his monthly roundtable meeting this morning to continue an open dialogue between the commissioner and an eastside advisory board to discuss issues which impact the eastside and the entire county.

The goal of the roundtable is to discuss issues without injecting political biases and continuously sustain a nonpartisan stance.
One of Leon’s campaign promises was to incorporate a roundtable type advisory board to engage eastside residents in the many facets of county government.

Sheriff Richard Wiles and Commander Kevin Lanahan attended this month’s meeting to address and answer questions regarding the downtown jail, and the changes it might undergo after the feasibility study reveals whether the facility should be remodeled or completely rebuilt.

Commissioner Carlos Leon was the keynote speaker for Harmony Science Academy’s 2014 Commencement Ceremony. “Never tell yourself no,” was the theme of the afternoon, as the commissioner empowered our youth and sent them off into a bright and promising future.

Harmony Science Academy - El Paso is a college-ready school that focuses on math, science, engineering and computer technologies. Harmony Science Academy has a reputation for their high quality education, and their 100 percent college acceptance rate.

On June 9th, during Commissioners Court, Commissioner Carlos Leon presented a resolution, approved by the court, acknowledging the county's seven constables who agreed to adopt a county-wide unified policies and procedures manual. This marked the first time all precincts will operate under one document, benefitting the county, the constables, and especially the constituents.

Commissioner Leon began working with the constables in early 2013 in conjunction with members of the County Attorney's Office to develop the procedures which will help guide constables and their staff through the myriad of duties they perform on a daily basis, much like any municipal police department or sheriff's office across Texas.

Policies included Anti-Harassment, Reserve Deputies, Outside Employment, Internal Affairs, Use of Force, Arrest Procedures, Warrants, Bias-Based Profiling and Civil Process.

UTILITY AND SIDEWALK WORK On Montwood Drive: Contractors have finished back-filling around a box culvert from Trinidad to Honolulu. They have also poured the wall and top for the box culvert. Box Culvert from Trinidad to Honolulu  Contractors have also installed an 8" sanitary sewer line and associated manholes at the intersection of Montwood and Windrock. On Windrock: Workers finished installing a curb from Stoneway to Buckwood on both sides of the road. Between Montwood and Stoneway the contractor finished installing a sidewalk on both sides of the road. |
DETOURS Posted detours remain in place along Montwood Drive between McRae and Yarbrough. Eastbound and westbound traffic will continue travelling in the lanes south of the median |
*Information provided by City of El Paso Engineering and Construction Management
Commissioner Carlos Leon was present for the El Paso Behavioral Health System’s ribbon cutting on Wednesday, June 4, 2013. Precinct 1 is quickly expanding, and having a mental health facility on the east side will be highly beneficial for our constituents.

El Paso Behavioral Health-East specializes in adult mental health and adult chemical dependency. It also offers numerous programs exclusively for women, handling gender specific issues.