April 2015 - Posts
On the morning of April 3, 2015, Commissioner Carlos Leon spoke at Representative Carl Robinson’s Prayer Breakfast at the YMCA located on the Northeast side of town. Commissioner Leon gave a testimonial on his near death experience when he was involved in a severe car accident.
In August 2009, Commissioner Leon was involved in a serious motorcycle accident in Mesilla, New Mexico, that nearly ended his life. After being airlifted to El Paso University Medical Center, he spent 10 days in the ICU followed by two weeks at a rehabilitation hospital in addition to several months of VNA care at his home. Though the accident was difficult for him and his family to endure, they are happy to still have each other. Carlos views his remarkable recovery as a second chance at life -- a second chance to enjoy time with his family and friends, and another opportunity to serve the community he has called home all of his life.

In honor of World Wish Day, and with the help of Make-A-Wish, Commissioner Leon and the court grant Elijah his wish to meet Captain America in Disney World during Commissioners Court on Monday, April 20, 2015. Elijah and his family were presented with a Resolution recognizing April 22, 2015 as “Elijah Garay’s Wish Day.”
A wish experience can be the catalyst for children fighting life-threatening conditions that rekindles their belief in themselves and the promise of their future. Children are encouraged to ask for their most heartfelt wish – whether their wish is to “I wish to go,” “I wish to meet,” “I wish to have” or “I wish to be.”
By fulfilling these requests, Make-A-Wish North Texas El Paso Regional Office delivers hope, strength and joy to the children of our community to improve and forever impact the lives of these children. Wishes are far more a singular event in time, positively impacting everyone involved – including families, volunteers, donors, medical professionals and the entire community.

Both parents and physicians confirm that wish experiences play a unique role in the healing process for children and their families. Wishes have a positive effect on children's emotional health and attitude, which in turn promotes better physical health and an improved quality of life. World Wish Day, on April 29, honors the anniversary of the wish granted to a boy named Chris, who wished to be a police officer. Granting his wish inspired the creation of Make-A-Wish® and sparked a global wish-granting movement.

Commissioner Leon and the court approved and adopted a resolution recognizing April 6, 2015 as “Juvenile Probation Day, during commissioners court this morning.
The El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department was established in 1950 with the opening of the first Juvenile Detention Facility in the State of Texas. Throughout the 65 years since, there have been many programs and enhancements to the department.

The El Paso County Juvenile Drug Court Program is one of twelve juvenile drug courts in the country and the only program in the State of Texas to be selected by the National Council of Juvenile Family Court Judges to participate in the Juvenile Drug Court Learning Collaborative for the next two years to enhance program operations and outcomes.
The Challenge Academy has consistently received high marks on state audits (the latest Texas Juvenile Justice Department Audit score was 99.12%).
A recent 2 ½ year state recidivism study, “Closer to Home”, conducted by Dr. Tony Fabelo on behalf of the Council of State Governments equated all program outcomes to their recidivism rates. The report placed Counties into 3 levels or tiers with El Paso County JPD, falling under the designated recidivism rate, placed on Tier 1 (Tier 1 being the highest, best performing due to lowest recidivism rate). In 2010 our recidivism rate was 46% and in 2011 to 2013 it was at its lowest, 28%.