November 2014 - Posts
On Montwood:
The contractor is demolishing the pavement and preparing the subgrade for future paving activities North of the Montwood and Wedgewood intersection.
Workers are paving the outer and inner lane, as well as the driveways on Montwood, from Linum to the gas station (Valero).

On Montwood Drive:
Contractor is installing landscaping and a decorative rock wall on Montwood between Honolulu and Camwood.
Contractor is also pouring the concrete for the walls and tops of the box culverts at the intersection of Montwood and Wedgewood.
Wedgewood is presently closed immediately north of Montwood. Posted detours remain in place along Montwood Drive between McRae and Yarbrough. Eastbound and westbound traffic will continue traveling in the lanes south of the median.
*Information provided by City of El Paso Engineering and Construction Management Department
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, Commissioner Carlos Leon and County Public Works officials were at the Montana Vista Fire Department to meet with the Far East El Paso Square Dance Subdivision community regarding an upcoming $7.4 million USDA Sewer Grant project.
Grant funds will be used for the creation of a sewer system inside the subdivision, which will convey to the County of El Paso, allowing for this installation and the possibility of a paved roadway.
There are approximately 665 residents living in Square Dance within 225 households without wastewater collection. This project addresses the need for a publicly owned and operated sewer system to further the health, safety and general sanitation of the community. It will eliminate the risk associated with improper discharge and poorly maintained on-site sewer facilities.

Project Description:
Square Dance is located approximately 1.6 miles from El Paso Water Utilities’ nearest wastewater collection system in Far East El Paso. This project requires a permanent connection to EPWU’s existing wastewater collection system on Montana Ave. The project consists of constructing a wastewater collection system inside the subdivision and extends the collection lines to Montana Ave.
On Monday, November 3, 2014, Commissioner Carlos Leon, along with all El Paso County Commissioners Court, Sheriff Richard Wiles and Jose Marrufo, President of the El Paso County Sheriffs Officers Association, announced the terms and signed the newly negotiated collective bargaining agreement between El Paso County and the Sheriffs Association.

The County and the Sheriffs Association began negotiations in May 2014. After five months of meetings, both parties were able to reach an agreement for the members of the Association and the taxpayers.

The new contract will come at a cost savings to taxpayers in the amount of $24.2 million over the next 5 years.