June 2015 - Posts
Commissioner Leon honored Corporal Sergio Camacho during Commissioners Court for his courageous and generous organ donation for a fellow employee, Lt. Michaela Hebeker, of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.
Corporal Camacho made the donation possible through the process of joining the kidney exchange program at the Texas Transplant Institute in San Antonio, where compatible donor and recipient pairs are matched. Corporal Camacho ultimately had a kidney removed which enabled Lt. Michaela Hebeker to receive a compatible kidney from a donor, giving her a chance to live a normal life with a working kidney.
Currently in the United States there are over 100,000 individuals waiting for a kidney transplant, with 3,000 new patients added to the list each month and twelve people dying each day waiting for a kidney donation. Out of 17,000 kidney transplants performed last year, only 5,535 came from living donors and 11,570 came from a deceased donor. An organ donation is the greatest gift that an individual may convey to another in need, and the number of people who may benefit from an organ replacement far outnumber the available organ donations.
The evaluation process entails blood labs, cardiology exams, EKG, ultrasounds, and psychosocial testing among other extensive exams, and often leaves the financial burden for travel and testing on the donor.
June 29, 2015 is recognized by the El Paso County Judge and Commissioners Court as “Corporal Sergio Camacho Day in honor of his courageous and generous organ donation for a fellow employee of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.”
County Commissioner Carlos Leon held a community meeting, Thursday, June 25, 2015 at the newly opened Eastside Annex located on 2350 George Dieter. He provided the community with the latest information on the construction of the Sportspark, Eastside Annex, USDA Sewer Grant Project (Desert Acceptance-Square Dance), new county kiosks and other current issues.
Joy Martinez, one of the newest board members of the University Medical Center of El Paso, was also present and took part in a Meet-and-Greet with the eastside community. Mrs. Martinez shed light and answered questions on current issues with UMC and El Paso’s Children’s Hospital.

County Commissioner Carlos Leon held his monthly Roundtable meeting the morning of Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Guest speaker Joy Martinez, UMC board member, was present at the meeting to answer questions concerning University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital.
The eastside advisory board meets monthly to discuss issues that impact the eastside and the entire county. The goal of the Roundtable is to converse on issues without injecting political biases and continuously sustain a nonpartisan stance.

On June 17, 2015, Commissioner Carlos Leon spoke at the El Paso Veterans Court Graduation Ceremony held in the 346th District Court under the Honorable Judge Angie Juarez Barrill. Commissioner Leon left the graduates with encouraging words as he spoke on the tremendous mile stone they have reached, and the important role they will play as they become mentors to other veterans and active service members.
The mission of the El Paso Veterans Court Program is to divert justice-involved veterans and active service members from the traditional criminal justice system by providing them treatment and judicial monitoring to afford them the tools needed to lead a productive and law-abiding life.
El Paso was the second in the State of Texas to launch a Veterans Court in 2009. The 346th District Court officially opened its doors to the felony component on August 2012. This program provides a means to divert eligible veterans and active service participants from the traditional criminal justice system and provide them support and rehabilitation through comprehensive substance abuse and/or mental health treatment, education, vocational programs, and community resource referrals for housing, childcare, and transportation, all while being judicially monitored.

On June 9 2015, during Southwest University’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Commissioner Leon presented the university with a certificate of appreciation for the important role they play in higher education and providing the local community with job opportunities.
The mission of Southwest University at El Paso is to provide exceptional career and technical training, promote intellectual growth, critical examination and informed understanding. Through general education and a commitment to educational excellence, Southwest University strengthens quality instruction by providing a positive learning environment that integrates emerging technologies.
Southwest University is proud to be one of the first universities in the United States to go digital using the latest technology.

On June 2, 2015, keynote speaker Commissioner Carlos Leon spoke to the second graduating class (Class of 2015) at the Harmony School of Innovation Commencement Ceremony. The topic of the afternoon was, “Never Tell Yourself No.” Commissioner Leon stressed the importance of never stopping yourself from doing anything, “let someone else tell you no,” stated Leon as he sent off the graduating class of 2015 into a bright and promising future.
Harmony School of Innovation (El Paso) is a Kindergarten thru 12 model middle-high school in El Paso, TX. In 2009, Texas Education Agency granted a middle-high charter to Harmony Schools and opened its doors to students in 2009-2010 school.
Harmony School of Innovation is dedicated to preparing each student for higher learning in a safe, caring and collaborative atmosphere through a quality learner-centered educational program with a strong emphasis on math, science, engineering and technology.
Harmony’s vision is to prepare students for academic success in their future education, enable students to have a broad spectrum of options for their future endeavors, and prepare them to be responsible and productive citizens.