Contact Information
County Auditor
Barbara A. Parker, CPA, CIA
Downtown County Annex
320 S. Campbell Street, Suite 140
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone (915) 273-3262
Fax (915) 273-3266
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Executive Management
System Support & Administration
Accounts Payable
Internal Audit
Financial Reporting
Grants Compliance and Audit
EPCCSCD Fiscal Services
Mission Statement
To provide timely, accurate and meaningful financial information on the fiscal affairs of county government, provide ancillary support to the Commissioners Court, officials, department heads and the public with the highest level of professionalism, integrity with emphasis on financial accountability for the use of public funds while fulfilling statutory authority and responsibilities conferred on the County Auditor--by means of oversight, access, prescript measures and verification.
Create and maintain an environment of sound fiscal management and efficient financial operations at all levels of county government, through aggressive ancillary support, increased interactive collaboration and communication to assure efficient collection and reporting of revenues and legal compliance with budget expenditures.
The County Auditor has established strategic goals:
- To promote and maintain responsible fiscal policies and financial stewardship for the county as a whole;
- To assure reliability of financial data, safeguard county assets and preserve the county's financial resources;
- To strive for high quality and user friendly management information systems for internal and external users, and
- To ensure effective and efficient administration of financial functions, which support the county auditor's office, elected officials, departments, and county government as a whole.
About Us
The county auditor provides timely, accurate, and meaningful financial information on the fiscal affairs of county government, provide ancillary support to the Commissioners Court, officials, department heads and the public with the highest level of professionalism, integrity with emphasis on financial accountability for the use of public funds while fulfilling statutory authority and responsibilities conferred on the County Auditor by means of oversight, access, prescript measures and verification. The county auditor is located at 320 S. Campbell Street, Suite 140. You can also contact the county auditor at (915) 273-3262. Complete the Customer Service Survey so we can continue to improve service to our customers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ'S)
Fraud Waste and Abuse Policy
Distinguished Awards
Excellence in Financial Reporting
This distinguished award has been presented to the Auditor´s Office by the Government Finance Officers Association .
Financial Transparency
El Paso County is committed to providing transparency on financial information to the public. By doing so, it affords the public the opportunity to view and question how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.
By displaying the county spending and providing access to those numbers we ensure greater accountability to the public.
Procedures to Obtain Public Information. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access county financial records. All financial information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. The El Paso County Auditor’s Office shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought. If a request cannot be produced within 10 business days, the County Auditor’s Office will notify the requestor in writing of the reasonable date and time when it will be available.
Charges to the requestor: A person can ask to view the information, receive copies of the information or both. The County Auditor’s Office will assess copying and/or compiling fees based on the fee schedule set out by the State. If charges should occur, the County Auditor’s Office will send an itemized estimate and ask for a response in writing and/or payment within 10 business days, verifying that the requestor accepts, modifies, or denies the cost being charged.
Responsibility of the Requestor: Any person who requests public information has the responsibility to:
Request for financial information should be submitted as noted below. All other request should be submitted to the appropriate County department.
- Submit a written request by mail or in person to:
El Paso County Auditor
320 S. Campbell Street, Suite 140
El Paso, TX 79901
- Submit a request by fax: (915) 273-3266
- Submit a request by email:
- Please label correspondence as Public Information Act request.
- Include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the County Auditor’s Office to accurately identify and locate the information requested.
- Cooperate with the County Auditor’s Office to make reasonable efforts to clarify the type or amount of information requested.