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- Special Weapons & Tactics (S.W.A.T.)
- SWAT Presentation - SWAT Videos - SWAT Photo Gallery - SWAT Training Links


- Introduction
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office Special Weapons & Tactics Team was established for the purpose of dealing with extraordinary or potentially dangerous situations. Any division is authorized to request the team to deal with these situations whenever it is determined that SWAT is needed for a safe, successful resolution. Critical incidents may require a tactical operation carried out by SWAT. When the necessity of SWAT arises, sound planning & disciplined implementation is paramount. Combining these with a disciplined, well trained & equipped unit, critical incidents can be brought to an end & order restored. The overall purpose of the team is to safeguard the lives of citizens and officers. The Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) works in conjunction with the Crisis Negotiation Team who gathers key information or background on the person(s) to be negotiated with which may provide safety and valuable information to SWAT.
- History
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office Special Weapons & Tactics Team was established in April, 1993. The team began with 6 members and was developed to meet specific needs of the Sheriff's Office. Deputies from different divisions of the office underwent a grueling selection process and training.
- Mission Statement
- The Mission of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office SWAT Team is to provide the department with highly motivated , technically & tactically proficient special operations team capable of responding to critical incidents, resolving them with minimum risk to officers, suspects & innocent parties.
- Team Members
- Several SWAT Team members are certified instructors in various topics and subject matter . They hold instructor proficiency licenses through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education (TCLEOSE), the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (TTPOA) and Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). Team members regularly teach courses at the Sheriff's Office Region VIII Training Academy. The Team provides specialized training to Patrol Deputies, Detention Special Reaction Teams, and outside agencies. Some courses provided by SWAT include, but are not limited to: First Responder / Active Shooter, Tactical Handgun, Tactical Rifle, Chemical Agents, Specialty Impact Munitions, Dignitary Protection, 2 Man Tactics, and Low-Light Close Quarter Conflict Resolution. Team members also compete in SWAT Competitions to test their operational readiness skills against those of other teams.
- Armored Vehicle
OCTOBER 2008- Sheriff's Office unveiled their new Armored Rescue Vehicle. The new armored rescue unit is assigned to the Special Weapons & Tactics Team (SWAT). Its main purpose is to provide ballistic protection to officers and citizens in situations where such protection is needed.
- The Armored Vehicle is the 1st of it's kind to the local Law Enforcement Community and is instrumental for rescuing citizens and officers. With border violence on the increase, it is imperative that our Law Enforcement officers are prepared with the best life saving protection in the event that our interdiction is necessary. Our job is to prepare for the worst case scenario; not doing so would short changing the citizens of this community.
- Its purpose is to help minimize the danger to officers and citizens during high risk operations. This Armored Vehicle & our SWAT Team is readily available to assist any other Law Enforcement Agency if needed.
