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- Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT)
The mission of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) is to provide negotiation services in situations involving hostages, suicidal individuals, or barricaded subjects. The operational objectives of the Sheriff’s Office is to protect lives and the well-being of all individuals affected in any situation to include the containment and apprehension of hostage taker(s) or barricaded subject(s). The situations encountered within El Paso County Texas are fulfilled by the El Paso County Sheriff's Office or by agencies within the territorial jurisdiction of El Paso County as provided by the Sheriff.
- The CNT maintains an immediate operational response capable to conduct and manage on-scene negotiations during any significant crisis event in which the El Paso County Sheriff's Office is involved and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CNT is responsible for managing personnel and equipment assets to provide the services necessary for the negotiators to successfully resolve crisis situations. During a crisis situation or critical incident, negotiators have two primary responsibilities - Intelligence and Negotiations. Negotiators also work in conjunction with the Sheriff’s Office Special Weapons and Tactical Unit for intelligence gathering and interview all available parties with information relevant to the incident at hand. The information gathered is pertinent to negotiators and person(s) to be negotiated with to provide valuable information to S.W.A.T. for a safe and tactical approach if necessary. The goal of CNT is to reach a peaceful resolution.
The CNT is a part-time voluntary unit currently staffed by a Sergeant (Team Leader) and eleven negotiators comprised of Detectives and Patrolman who are called upon for critical incidents.
- The incidents handled by the CNT require an extraordinary amount of patience, self control, perception and creative problem solving on the part of the negotiators, that is enhanced with training and state competitions. Negotiators attend a one week Basic Crisis Negotiations Course up to an Advanced Crisis Negotiation Course. The team trains monthly with other regional law enforcement and incorporates complex roles that may result in a crisis situation. The success of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) depends on TEAMWORK. Successful negotiations are the result of a highly trained group of people supporting and working together with the common goal of bringing a potentially dangerous situation to a peaceful end.

