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- Community Services
- El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Section is currently comprised of five deputies, one deputy sergeant supervisor, and the Public Affairs Director.
- The main goal of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Section is to gain the public’s trust through outreach programs. The Community Service Section creates and maintains relationships throughout the county of El Paso. Providing information and addressing citizens concerns allows for the section to make contacts and connections with neighborhood residents, community groups, and business.
- The Community Service Section strives to build strong ties with the community by incorporating the community policing aspect into our mission; we are able to do this with the various programs and services we provide.
- • Appearances & Presentations
- • El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 2005
- • Haunted House
- • Home and Business Security Inspections and Surveys
- • Mascots
- • National Night Out
- • Neighborhood Watch Programs
- • Sheriff’s Safety Town
- • Red Ribbon Week
- • Parades and Other Events

- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Section is located in the Sparks subdivision at the Sheriff’s Office substation located at 12899 Sparks. Dr. El Paso, Texas. To reach the Community Services Section by phone; 915-538-2223 or by email at; aarnevarez@epcounty.com
- Appearances & Presentations
- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Section offers many educational presentations that range from:
- • Anti-bullying
- • Cyber-bullying
- • Stranger Danger
- • Distracted Driving
- • Driving While Intoxicated Prevention
- We collaborate with many civic organizations, federal, state and local agencies. The Community Service Section is able to educate and involve the public through presentations offered at career days at schools, hosting neighborhood watch meetings and being present in local area parades.

- El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 2005
- The goal of this organization is to afford adolescents and young adults within the community the opportunity to observe, participate in, and learn about law enforcement. We will provide the Explorers with sound information on which to base their decision on pursuing a career in law enforcement. The explorer post and its advisors provide education and training, and enable Explorers to begin serving the community.
- To be eligible for membership, the applicant must be at least 14 years of age and have completed the eighth grade and not yet 21 years of age. Explorers registered in the post prior to their 20th birthday may continue as a member after their 20th birthday until the post recharters or until they reach their 21st birthday. All members MUST maintain a passing grade average in each subject while attending school.

- Haunted House
- The annual haunted house project is hosted by the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 2005. Fundraising proceeds are used by the post for competition and equipment expenses throughout the year.
- With the assistance of Sheriff’s office employees and volunteers, we are able to open to the community of El Paso
- You Tube Video
- Residential and Business Security Inspections and Surveys
- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Sections has a deputy currently certified as Crime Prevention Specialists. Deputies can conduct residential and business security inspections and surveys. Deputies earn their certification following the completion of 106 hours of training through the North Texas Crime Prevention Association.
- Residential
- A survey is conducted on residential homes to evaluate security measures. The survey is conducted on the interior and exterior of the home. Recommendations are given to enhance problematic areas.
- Areas evaluated: Doors, Windows, Locks, Landscaping, Lighting, and Burglar Alarms.
- Business
- A survey is conducted on the business evaluating security measures. The survey is conducted on the interior, exterior, and perimeter of the business. Recommendations are given to enhance problematic areas.
- Areas evaluated: Doors, Windows, Locks, Landscaping, Lighting, Burglar Alarms, and Security Cameras.
- Mascots
- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Service Section has an extensive backup squad for presentations and appearances. Our mascots and teaching aids include:

- Eddie Eagle
- The Eddie Eagle program and its namesake character were developed by the National Rifle Association for children who are generally considered too young to be allowed to handle firearms. While maturity levels vary, the Eddie Eagle program is intended for children of any age from pre-school through third grade.

- Deputy Dawg
- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office watchful eye.

- McGruff the Crime Dog
- McGruff the Crime Dog is a cartoon bloodhound created by Saatchi & Saatchi through the Ad Council for the National Crime Prevention Council for use by American police in building crime awareness among children. McGruff reaches kids through commercials, songs, educational videos and booklet from the National Crime Prevention Council, talking about drugs, bullying, safety and the importance of staying in school.

- Safety Pup
- Safety Pup was developed to be a friendly and positive role model for children in an effort to make learning about safety issues fun, entertaining, and non-threatening.

- Other Mascots
- The Sheriff’s Office also reaches out to the “Easter Bunny and “Santa Clause on occasion.

- National Night Out
- National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods a safer, better place to live. Together, we are making that happen.
- National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community and provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
- A partnership between the Sheriff’s Office and the community to show the criminal element that we are working together to make safer neighborhoods.
- In 2016, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office was awarded and ranked #14 in the country for the annual event.

- Neighborhood Watch Programs
- The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Community Services Section strives to build ties with the community and encourage the incorporation of community policing.
- Community Services Section will assist your neighborhood in getting a Neighborhood Watch Program started. They will also assist established watches continue on their goal of a safer community.
- We participate in neighborhood crime watch meetings where we educate the community members of the safety precautions they can take to better take care of their neighborhoods.
- The Community Services Section currently assists three Neighborhood Watch Programs throughout the county of El Paso.
- 1. Emerald Neighborhood Watch Association
- 2. Americas Estates Neighborhood Watch Association
- 3. Canutillo Heights Neighborhood Watch Association
- If you would like information on how to get a Neighborhood Watch Program started in your neighborhood, please contact our office at: at 12899 Sparks. Dr. El Paso,
- Texas; by phone; 915-538-2223 or by email at; aarnevarez@epcounty.com

- Sheriff’s Safety Town
- The purpose is to educate young children on bicycle safety. Deputies create a mock town complete with buildings, stop signs, and four-way intersections to help promote bicycle laws and educate children on the required safety equipment needed when riding a bicycle.

- Red Ribbon Week
- Red Ribbon week is celebrated in honor of slain DEA Agent Enrique Camarena. Community Service deputies visit area schools to talk to students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

- Parades and Other Events
- The community services section also participates in parades throughout the year such as:
- • Easter parade
- • 4th of July parades
- • Veteran’s Day parades
- • Thanksgiving parade
- • Christmas parade
- The community services section also conducts lockdown drills at different schools throughout the county.
- Other projects that the section takes part in throughout the year include:
- • CrimeStoppers Golf and Bowling Tournaments
- • Order on the Border
- • Youth Academy
- • Sheriff’s Office Annual Clash of the Titans Boxing Event.
