County Attorney Press Releases

New State Law Prohibits Making Or Accepting Political Contributions Inside County Courthouse

New law will take effect on September 1, 2009

            El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez has informed County elected officials and County employees about a new state law that makes it a Class A misdemeanor criminal offense to make or accept political contributions while in the courthouse. The prohibition includes political contributions to candidates or officeholders, political committees, or persons acting on behalf of candidates, officeholders or political committees.

            In Texas punishment for a Class A misdemeanors ranges from payment of fines of up to $4,000, to confinement of up to 1 year in jail, or both payment of a fine and confinement.

The prohibition, which will take effect on September 1, 2009, also applies to all county annexes, offices of the Justice of the Peace, the Juvenile Probation Department, the MDR Building, and all Municipal Courtrooms.

The new law explicitly excludes from the prohibition political contributions received via the United States Postal Service or common or contract carrier.

County Attorney José R. Rodríguez said today that, although all County officials and employees have been informed about this new legislation, it is also very important for residents of El Paso in general to take notice of this prohibition.

"In the past, it has been a common practice for individuals interested in the political process to bring campaign contributions to Judges or County Officials in person or drop them at their offices in the Courthouse. Such activity is now illegal and can bring legal consequences to those who are not in compliance", Rodríguez said.

            Rodríguez explained that awareness about the new prohibition is especially urgent because a great number of District Judges and County Officials will be running for re-election next year, and during the next couple of months many residents are expected to make political contributions in those races.

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Campaign Contributions Press Release.pdf

Political Contributions Memo.pdf

El Paso County Attorney Tackles Brain Drain By Encouraging Bright Students To Come Back to El Paso

            For decades our city has struggled to recruit and keep talented young El Pasoans who graduate from law school or medical school. This phenomenon, commonly known as "brain drain," has impacted negatively our community by restricting resident's access to justice and healthcare.

            El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez believes that one of the most effective ways to motivate young talented El Pasoans to return to our city after finishing law school, is giving them the opportunity to put into practice their legal skills to help individuals in need through an internship with the El Paso County Attorney's Office.

            "By giving them the opportunity to make a difference in the life of someone in need, I expect them to realize how much our community needs them and hopefully they will feel obligated to return to El Paso to improve our community," explained El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez.

            With that idea in mind, every year the El Paso County Attorney's Office opens its doors to talented students to apply their knowledge as law clerk interns.

            This summer the El Paso County Attorney's Office received invaluable support of 4 bright students: Ashley Martínez, from Texas Tech University School of Law; Edward Moreno, from Texas Southern University- Thurgood Marshall School of Law; José M. Rocha, from the University of Dayton School of Law; and Linda Corchado, who will be attending the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law this fall.  

            Ashley Martínez, who is a third year law student, has been collaborating with the Assistant County Attorneys in charge of major civil litigation        

            Edward Moreno has been assisting the County Attorney's Office with discovery work on a gang injunction filed by the County of El Paso against 20 alleged members of the Bloods street gang.

            José M. Rocha, who is a third year law student, has been presenting -and winning- cases in El Paso family courts this summer defending victims of domestic violence and abuse.

            "It is an honor to be able to serve my community and hone my legal skills in the city that I plan to return to" said José M. Rocha, whose ties to public service include working for Senator Eliot Shapleigh, Representative Paul C. Moreno and Judge Alex Gonzalez of El Paso, Representative Rick Noriega of Houston, and Stephen Hammond, MP for Wimbledon, UK.  

             Finally, Linda Corchado, who will be attending the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law this fall in New York, assisted by providing legal analysis and research related to proposed legislation. Ms. Corchado has also been doing research regarding the Criminal Alien Program by which the Federal Government reimburses El Paso County for housing alien federal criminals in the county jail.

            El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez has expressed his satisfaction that these 4 local talented students have expressed strong intentions to come back to El Paso after finishing law school.

            "They all know now how much our community needs their talent, and they have expressed interest in coming back to El Paso upon completion of their studies," Rodríguez said.      

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Brain Drain Press Release.pdf

US Supreme Court Denies Appeal of the Border Fence Lawsuit Filed By El Paso County

             County Attorney José R. Rodríguez announced today that he was notified this morning that El Paso County's appeal to the United States Supreme Court in its border fence case against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was denied.

            El Paso County Attorney expressed his disappointment with the decision. "We are disappointed but not surprised by this outcome. While we feel that we had a strong case, competition for space on the Supreme Court's crowded docket is high," Rodríguez said.

"This decision now ends our pursuit of this case. El Paso County would very much like to thank Mayer Brown LLP of Washington, D.C., for their defense and support in this case. Mayer Brown litigated this case without any cost to the county," said Rodríguez.

Although the appeal was rejected, Rodriguez expressed optimism that the Obama Administration has demonstrated a willingness to consult with local communities on the fence and other border security policies.

The lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security was filed on June 23, 2008 by El Paso County, the City of El Paso, the El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1, and the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, among others. The lawsuit challenged Secretary Chertoff's statutory authority to issue a waiver of more than 30 federal, state, and local laws to accelerate the construction of a border fence in El Paso County. The County contended that the Congressional waiver of authority, without the opportunity for judicial review, was an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power and moreover, that it was insufficient to permit the Secretary to declare pre-empted every state and local law related to the waived federal statues.

            On September 11th, 2008 a Federal District Judge of the Western District of Texas granted the Department of Homeland Security's motion to dismiss the lawsuit based on the merits of the case.

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Frank Montalvo held that the waivers used by the Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff to expedite the construction of the border fence were constitutional because "...Congress constitutionally delegated its authority in the Waiver Legislation." 

Judge Montalvo further ruled that the Waiver legislation did not violate the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution because the waivers were issued with the intent to "preempt state and local laws, which would interfere with Congress's objective to expeditiously construct the border fence."

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Border Fence Appeal Press Release.pdf

County Judge Withdraws Lawsuit Against El Paso County

El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez announced today that County Judge Anthony Cobos has dropped the lawsuit he filed against the County of El Paso seeking to stop the El Paso County Board of Ethics from investigating an ethics complaint filed against him.


On Monday June 8, 2009, visiting Judge Martin Brock Jones ruled the County Board of Ethics was not a proper party in the lawsuit, allowing the Board to continue investigating the complaint filed by City Representative Emma Acosta against County Judge Anthony Cobos. The judge also ruled that the County Attorney was not disqualified from representing both the County of El Paso and the El Paso Board of Ethics.


El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez expressed his satisfaction with Judge Cobos’ decision to nonsuit the county. “It is unfortunate that so much time and county resources were wasted on a suit without merit,” Rodriguez said.


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Ethics Board Lawsuit Press Release.pdf

Notice of Nonsuit.pdf

Fabens Resident Sentenced For Polluting the Air By Illegally Burning Trash

El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez announced today the sentencing of a Fabens resident who pleaded guilty of violating the Clean Air Act, on a piece of property in the Fabens in far east El Paso County.

31-year-old Leobardo González was ordered to pay a $2,500 fine and court costs after pleading guilty to one count of illegal outdoor burning before Judge Alma Trejo of the County Criminal Court at Law Number One (the Environmental Court).

The offense occurred on or about September 5, 2007, when Mr. González was burning several roofing tar tiles, metal furniture, plastics, and household trash in the back yard of his property located at 1011 Wingo Reserve Rd., in Fabens, El Paso County. 

The defendant accidentally set himself on fire while pouring gasoline on the waste and lighting it. He suffered severe burns to various parts of his body and was transported to Thomason Hospital for treatment of his injuries. The Fabens volunteer Fire Dept. had to respond to extinguish the fire.   

"Burning waste, roofing tar tiles, is dangerous and bad for the environment because it sends toxic fumes into the air we breathe, and water used to extinguish the fire and the toxic chemicals in the tar could potentially harm our drinking water.  The proper method of disposal should be to take your waste to the landfill.  Additionally, the fire may get out of control and burn the person setting the fire and/or surrounding homes and property," said Rodríguez.

            Rodríguez added that illegal outdoor burning is an on-going problem in the county of El Paso, and he stressed that the County Attorney's Office will continue to prosecute such offenders.  The penalty for illegal outdoor burning ranges from a fine of not less than $1000 to up to $50,000 for an individual, or up to 180 days in jail, or both.  For an association or corporation, the fine cannot be less than $1,000 or more than $100,000. 

To report illegal outdoor burning or other environmental crime, call your local law enforcement agency.  The Environmental Hotline at 1-888-6EL-PASO, El Paso Police Dept. at 832-4400, or El Paso Sheriff's Dept. at 546-2280.

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Fabens Illegal Burning Press Release.pdf



Legal Status Of District Clerk Gilbert Sanchez

El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez informed today that the indictment unsealed against El Paso District Clerk Gilbert Sanchez does not automatically trigger his removal from office. Texas law states that only if Mr. Sanchez were to be convicted of felony charges or misdemeanor charges involving official misconduct, the conviction would operate as an immediate removal.

            Rodríguez further explained that, while the charges are pending, Mr. Sanchez will remain the elected District Clerk and has full powers as such, unless Mr. Sanchez resigns or a removal action is filed. 

If Mr. Sanchez resigns, Commissioners Court will be able to vote on the appointment a interim clerk to fill the vacancy. 

            Regarding possible removal petitions, County Attorney Rodríguez said that if a removal action is filed, an out-of-town judge would preside over the case and decide whether the removal has merits. The presiding judge would have the authority to issue a temporary suspension against the District Clerk and appoint another person to perform the duties of the office.

            Rodríguez explained that, according to Texas law, appropriate grounds for removal of elected officials from public office include incompetency, official misconduct and intoxication on or off duty caused by drinking an alcoholic beverage.

            "We are currently reviewing the indictment in this case to determine if sufficient grounds and evidence exist to pursue a removal action," Rodríguez concluded.

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District Clerk Legal Status Press Release.pdf

Assistant County Attorney Receives The Texas 2009 “Civil Practitioner Of The Year” Award

Lee Shapleigh honored by the Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA).

The Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA) presented El Paso Assistant County Attorney Lee Shapleigh with the 2009 "Gerald Summerford" award, in a ceremony held last week in Dallas, Texas.

The "Gerald Summerford Award," also known as the "Civil Practitioner of the Year" award, recognizes Texas lawyers with long and distinguished careers who practice in the civil arena.

Lee Shapleigh was recognized for her work as Assistant County Attorney in El Paso for over 25 years, in which she has been the person primarily responsible for advising El Paso County Commissioners Court on a daily basis. Throughout the years, Ms. Shapleigh has built a state-wide reputation for providing sound, accurate, objective and cool-headed legal advice.

Her knowledge and grasp of the law regarding the complex and changing nature of Texas county government has allowed her to become recognized all over Texas as an expert on many subjects - everything from tax policies to the proper way to dispose of sewage.

Ms. Shapleigh was also recognized for mentoring lawyers in the complexities, benefits, and challenges of public law practice and for recruiting many attorneys in private practice back into the public sector.

El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez said he is extremely proud of having such an experienced attorney working for the office.

"The quality of work that Ms. Shapleigh performs every day does not only help county officials and employees to make sound, legal decisions; it has also allowed the County of El Paso to protect taxpayer's money by preventing legal mistakes that could lead to the payment of expensive judgments," Rodriguez added.

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Summerford Award Press Release.pdf

Fabens Residents Can Trade Old Mercury Thermometers For New Digital Ones

On Friday, May 15, 2009, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., Fabens residents can bring mercury fever thermometers to the Thomason CARES clinic and exchange them for digital thermometers, free of charge.

This thermometer exchange is intended both to remove mercury from the municipal waste stream and to educate Fabens residents about the potential hazards posed by mercury found in thermometers and many other common household products.

The Fabens mercury thermometer exchange is sponsored in part by El Paso County Attorney's Office, Thomason CARES in Fabens, and Medlife.

"Fever thermometers are a common source of mercury in municipal trash. With thermometer exchanges like this one in Fabens, we can reduce the amount of mercury in the waste stream, and at the same time educate consumers about the need to be conscious and careful about the products they buy and how they dispose of them," said Assistant County Attorney Cristina Viesca-Santos.

Exposure to mercury may cause a variety of health effects in people, and children and developing fetuses are particularly sensitive to its hazards. Depending on the level of exposure, mercury can cause damage to the nervous system, the brain, the kidneys, the liver and the immune system.

In Texas and elsewhere around the country, mercury is released to the environment in the emissions of coal-fired power plants, and municipal and medical waste incinerators. Many common household products - such as thermostats, fluorescent light bulbs, switches and button batteries - contain mercury. When these products are incinerated, land filled or broken, the mercury can pollute the environment. All of these products can - and should - be disposed of properly at household hazardous waste collections or by calling a licensed hazardous waste disposal company.

But unfortunately, many mercury-containing products currently are tossed out with the household trash and end up in incinerators or landfills. Unlike many other pollutants, mercury does not degrade into something harmless once it mixes with the air or water. In fact, mercury persists in the environment for long periods of time, and bio-accumulates in animals and humans, meaning its concentrations and harmful effects only increase as it moves up the food chain. For additional information about mercury safety measures, please visit

For more information about the Fabens mercury thermometer exchange, contact the Cristina Viesca-Santos at (915) 546-2081.

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WHO:       County Attorney's Office and Thomason Hospital

WHAT:     Mercury Thermometer Exchange Event

WHEN:     Friday May 15, 2009 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.

WHERE:  Thomason CARES Clinic in Fabens, 101 Potasio Street     

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Mercury Thermometer Event Press Release.pdf

Mercury Exchange Flyer Spanish.pdf

Hot Check Amnesty Week Ends Today

Few hours left for individuals with outstanding hot check warrants to take advantage of the amnesty period

            El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez reminded county residents with hot check warrants that today Friday May 1, 2009 is the last day to pay any outstanding balances and avoid arrest during the upcoming massive warrant round-up.

            The hot check amnesty week began on Sunday April 26 with the publication in the local newspapers of more than 3,700 names of individuals with outstanding warrants, and will end today. Individuals who pay their outstanding balances during the Amnesty Week will avoid arrests during an upcoming county-wide arrest warrant round-up. Additionally, they will save money by avoiding the payment of various fees, such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.

Since Thursday April 9, when the program was announced, until Thursday April 30, 2009, offenders had paid $80,746 in restitution to merchants. Currently, individuals in the hot check warrant list owe merchants more than $3.2 million.

Residents who still want to take advantage of the amnesty week can make their payments at the El Paso County Attorney's Office, 5th floor of the County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio. The payment windows at the County Attorney's Office will be open today until 6:00 p.m.

Forms of payment accepted include most credit cards, money orders, cashiers checks, and cash, however those paying cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers will not provide change).

For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051. The complete and updated list of individuals with theft by check outstanding warrants will remain posted in the El Paso County web site at:

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2009 Amnesty Week Report # 2 Press Release.pdf

Only 2 Days Left Of the Hot Check Amnesty Week

There is still time for individuals with outstanding hot check warrants take advantage of the amnesty period

            El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez reminded county residents with outstanding hot check warrants that they only have 2 more days to pay their outstanding balances to avoid arrest during the upcoming massive warrant round-up.

            The hot check amnesty week began on Sunday April 26 with the publication in the local newspapers of more than 3,700 names of individuals with outstanding warrants, and will continue until Friday May 1, 2009. Individuals who pay their outstanding balances during the Amnesty Week will avoid arrests during an upcoming county-wide arrest warrant round-up. Additionally, they will save money by avoiding the payment of various fees, such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.

Since Thursday April 9, when the program was announced, until Tuesday April 28, 2009, offenders had paid over $58,000 in restitution to merchants. Currently, individuals in the hot check warrant list owe merchants more than $3.2 million.

Residents who still want to take advantage of the amnesty week can make their payments at the El Paso County Attorney's Office, 5th floor of the County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio. The payment windows at the County Attorney's Office will be operating with extended hours during amnesty week from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Forms of payment accepted include most credit cards, money orders, cashiers checks, and cash, however those paying cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers will not provide change).

For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051. The complete and updated list of individuals with theft by check outstanding warrants will remain posted in the El Paso County web site at:

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2009 Amnesty Week Report 1 Press Release.pdf



County Attorney’s Office To Receive Award For Helping Victims Of Deceptive Business

Award to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the BBB

            On Wednesday April 29, 2009, the local chapter of the Better Business Bureau will present El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez the "Outstanding Leader Award" for partnering with the BBB to establish an arbitration program that allows quick restitution for victims of deceptive business practices.    

Both agencies established the program in 2006, with support from the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), to expedite the resolution of criminal cases involving first offenders, and to increase the amount of restitution collected by the victims.

Instead of waiting for a trial to be set, which could take months, the plaintiff and the merchant commit to arbitration where the claims are evaluated at no cost to the consumer. The program helps victims of Deceptive Business Practices receive fast and fair restitution, while the merchants, who offend for the first time, can avoid a conviction and resolve the criminal case at a minimum cost.

The arbitration program also saves taxpayers a significant amount of money by reducing the amount of time that the courts, prosecutors and defense attorneys have to spend on these cases. By doing so, the process allows the State to prosecute more cases that would otherwise be possible with existing resources.

Recently the program has received countrywide attention after wining the 2008 Myers Memorial Award given by the National Better Business Bureau

County Attorney José Rodriguez will receive the "Outstanding Leader Award" during the Better Business Bureau's annual meeting, Wednesday April 29 at 11:30 a.m. at the Camino Real Hotel, 101 S. El Paso St.

WHO:       County Attorney José R. Rodríguez

WHAT:     BBB's Annual Meeting

WHEN:     Wednesday April 29, 2009 at 11:30 a.m.

WHERE:  Camino Real Hotel

          101 S. El Paso St.

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BBB Outstanding Leader Award Press Release.pdf

Look Sunday’s Newspapers for the Names of Thousands Of Individuals With Hot Check Warrants

Arrest roundups to follow publication of the names

            On Sunday April 26, 2009, the El Paso County Attorney's Office will be publishing the names of more than 3,700 individuals with outstanding hot-check warrants in the two main local newspapers: El Paso Times and Diario de El Paso. The 3,770 individuals owe local merchants more than $3.2 million. Additionally, copies of the printed list will be made available for the public at all El Paso Police Regional Commands starting on Monday April 27, 2009.

The publication of the names marks the start of the Amnesty Week, which runs from Monday April 27 through Friday May 1, 2009. Individuals who pay their outstanding balances during the Amnesty Week will avoid arrests during an upcoming county-wide arrest warrant round-up. Additionally, they will save money by avoiding the payment of various fees, such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.

Residents with outstanding hot check warrants can make their payments at the El Paso County Attorney's Office, 5th floor of the County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio. The payment windows at the County Attorney's Office will be operating with extended hours during amnesty week from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Forms of payment accepted include most credit cards, money orders, cashiers checks, and cash, however those paying cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers will not provide change).

For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051. The complete and updated list of individuals with theft by check outstanding warrants will remain posted in the El Paso County web site at:

Since Thursday April 9, 2009, when the amnesty week was announced, the El Paso County Attorney's Office has received more than $42,000 in payments for outstanding hot checks. During fiscal year 2007-2008 the Hot Check Unit collected 1.4 million dollars in outstanding hot checks.

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2009 Hot Check Warrant List Publication Press Release.pdf

Hot Check Writers: Friday Is The Last Day To Avoid Publication Of The Names In Local Newspapers

El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez today reminded hot check writers with outstanding warrants that Friday is the last day to pay to avoid the publication of their names in the local newspapers.

On Friday April 24, the County Attorney's Office will publish in the El Paso Times the names and addresses of more than 3,700 individuals with outstanding hot check warrants. The same list will be posted on-line on the El Paso County's web-site ( and will be published in Spanish in the Diario de El Paso on Sunday April 26. Additionally, copies of the printed list will be made available for the public at all El Paso Police Regional Commands starting on Monday April 27, 2009.

The publication of the names marks the start of the Amnesty Week, which runs from Monday April 27 through Friday May 1, 2009. Individuals who pay their outstanding balances during the Amnesty Week will avoid arrests during an upcoming county-wide arrest warrant round-up. Additionally, they will save money by avoiding the payment of various fees, such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.

Residents with outstanding hot check warrants can make their payments at the El Paso County Attorney's Office, 5th floor of the County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio. The payment windows at the County Attorney's Office will be operating with extended hours during amnesty week from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Forms of payment accepted include most credit cards, money orders, cashiers checks, and cash, however those paying cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers will not provide change).

For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051. The complete and updated list of individuals with theft by check outstanding warrants will remain posted in the El Paso County web site at:

            There are currently more than 3,700 names in the County's hot checks warrants list, who owe local merchants more than 3.2 million dollars. During fiscal year 2007-2008 the Hot Check Unit collected 1.4 million dollars in outstanding hot checks.

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Hot Check Avoid Publication Press Release.pdf

County Attorney Seeks To Fast Track Court Proceedings In Gang Injunction

             On Friday April 17, 2009 El Paso County Attorney José R. Rodríguez decided that, rather than seek a Temporary Restraining Order and a subsequent Temporary Injunction against alleged members of the Bloods street gang, his office will instead seek to fast track the case by aggressively pursuing a Permanent Injunction restricting the alleged criminal activities of the defendants. 

            Due to the decision, the hearing on a Temporary Restraining Order scheduled for Tuesday April 21, 2009 at County Court at Law # 3 has been cancelled. A date for a hearing on the Permanent Injunction is expected to be set by the court within 30 - 45 days.

            Under this fast track approach, by eliminating the need for 2 previous hearings, Rodriguez expects to obtain a faster resolution to the case.

            In making this decision, the County Attorney consulted with the El Paso Police Department to ensure that the northeast community will continue to be protected while the case is pending.

           "The Court has appointed counsel to most of the defendants, so there is no reason to delay the final hearing on the Permanent Injunction. We want to give Judge Alvarez the opportunity to decide, as soon as possible, whether our petition for a Permanent Injunction has merit, and to have the Permanent Injunction in place to protect the residents of northeast El Paso," Rodriguez said.

Gang Injunction Fast Track Press Release.pdf

Local Organizations Unite To Promote The Use Of Living Wills

Attorneys will offer free legal advice on Advance Directives at 6 locations throughout the city

On Thursday April 16, 2009, County employees will gather at La Fe's Cultural and Technology Center at 721 South Ochoa Rear, to participate in a ceremony where they will publicly sign their personal Medical Power of Attorney and Directive to Physician, Family and Surrogates forms. The ceremony is part of an effort by the County Attorney's Office, the University Medical Center of El Paso, El Paso County Hospital District, and La Fe Clinic, to promote the use of advance directives among El Paso residents.

Advance Directives allow individuals to state what they want for their own medical care in the event that they are unable to make decisions for themselves. Individuals can:

  • Direct that a specific procedure or treatment be provided, such as
    artificially administered hydration (fluids) or nutrition (feeding);
  • Direct that a specific procedure or treatment be withheld; or
  • Appoint a person to act as your agent in making health care
    decisions for you, if it is determined that you are unable to make
    health care decisions for yourself. This includes the decision
    to make anatomical gifts of a specific part or parts of your body via
    organ and tissue donation, or of all of your body.

Advance Directives have been historically underutilized in El Paso, and particularly by minorities, including Hispanics, because of their cultural attitudes towards end-of-life issues. According to a study by the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, many Hispanics view pain and suffering as a test of faith. There is an acceptance of "what is" and a belief that "miracles happen". This view sometimes interferes with pain management. It most certainly complicates any discussion on advance directives. The most striking indication of the challenges in communication about end-of-life issues is the insistence by both the Hispanic elders and the Hispanic adult children that their children/parents do not want to have discussions about death and how to prepare to face its consequences.

The campaign to promote the utilization of Advance Directives in El Paso will kick-off with a ‘signing' ceremony at La Fe's Cultural and Technology Center at 721 South Ochoa Rear, on Thursday April 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m..

Local attorneys will be available to offer similar free legal advice on Thursday April 16, 2009 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m at the following locations:

  1. La Fe Cultural and Technology Center 721 South Ochoa (rear)
  2. EPPD Northeast Regional Command Center, 9600 Dyer St.
  3. Multipurpose Recreation Center, 9031 Viscount Boulevard
  4. Galatzan Recreation Center, 650 Wallenberg Dr.
  5. Thomason Hospital, 4815 Alameda Ave
  6. Centro San Vicente Clinic, 8061 Alameda Ave.

WHO:       El Paso County Attorney

WHAT:     Public signing of Living Wills and Medical Power of  Attorney

WHEN:     Thursday April 16 at 2:00 p.m.

WHERE:  La Fe's Cultural and Technology Center at 721 South Ochoa Rear

Healthcare Decisions Day Press Release.pdf

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