February 2011 - Posts
Arrest roundups may begin unannounced immediately after
El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal today announced that 445 individuals took advantage of the 2011 Hot Check Amnesty. Since January 28, 2011, when the amnesty was announced, County Attorney's Office received payment of 517 hot checks that represent more than $116,500 for local merchants. During the amnesty period, persons who paid their outstanding balances avoided payment of various charges, such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond after arrest.
Individuals who did not take advantage of the amnesty period will be targeted during upcoming county-wide warrant round-ups being coordinated by the County Attorney's Office with the assistance of the El Paso Sheriff's Office, and Constables from Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7.
Individuals with outstanding hot-checks may attempt to avoid arrest in the upcoming roundups by paying as soon as possible. However, the amnesty period is over, and law enforcement officers can conduct arrests at any time without prior notice. Payments can be made at the following locations:
- El Paso County Courthouse
500 E. San Antonio, room 503
M- F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- El Paso County Ysleta Annex
9521 Socorro Rd., Suite A-3
M - F 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Forms of payment accepted include credit cards, money orders, cashier checks, and cash; however, those paying with cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers cannot give change).
In addition, residents can make payments online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through "Hot Check E-pay," by visiting the El Paso County Attorney's Office web-page at www.epcounty.com/CA
The list with the names of individuals and outstanding amounts will remain posted at the El Paso County Attorney's Office web page at www.epcounty.com/CA.
For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051.
During last fiscal year (2009-2010) the Hot Check Unit collected more than $930,000 in outstanding hot checks. So far, during the first 5 months of fiscal year 2010-2011 (October-February), the County Attorney's Office has collected over $392,000.
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2011 Hot Check Amnesty Ends.pdf
Few hours left to take advantage of the amnesty. Arrest roundups may begin immediately after
El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal today revealed that more than 340 individuals have taken advantage of the hot check amnesty period since its implementation on January 28, 2011. During the first 27 days of the amnesty period the County Attorney's Office has received payment of 393 hot checks that represent more than $107,000 for local merchants.
Bernal also reminded hot check writers with outstanding arrest warrants that the amnesty period ends tomorrow Friday February 25, 2011, at 5:00 p.m.
Individuals who take advantage of the amnesty period and pay their outstanding balances before the end of the amnesty period will avoid arrest during an upcoming countywide warrant round-up being coordinated by the County Attorney's Office with the assistance of the El Paso Sheriff's Office and Constables from Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Additionally, those individuals who pay by the amnesty period will also avoid additional fees such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.
A list with the names and addresses of more than 3,000 individuals with outstanding hot check warrants who owe local merchants more than 2.7 million dollars was made public on February 13, 2011 and remains posted at the El Paso County's main webpage at (http://www.epcounty.com/). Additionally, several local media outlets have posted the Hot Check Warrant List on their web-sites to make it easier for the public to access the information.
Residents with outstanding hot check warrants can make their payments in person at the following locations:
El Paso County Courthouse
500 E. San Antonio, room 503
M- F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
El Paso County Ysleta Annex
9521 Socorro Rd., Suite A-3
M - F 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Forms of payment accepted include credit cards, money orders, cashier checks, and cash; however, those paying with cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers cannot give change).
In addition, residents can make payments online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through "Hot Check E-pay," by visiting the El Paso County Attorney's Office web-page at www.epcounty.com/CA
For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051 or visit the El Paso County Attorney's Office web site at: www.epcounty.com/CA.
In addition, for the first time the County Attorney's Office will be accepting payment plans for qualifying individuals in order to facilitate the payment of outstanding amounts.
During last fiscal year (2009-2010) the Hot Check Unit collected more than $930,000 dollars in outstanding hot checks. So far, during the first 5 months of fiscal year 2010-2011 (October-February), the County Attorney's Office has collected over $383,000.
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2011 Hot Check Amnesty Last Day.pdf
This morning 65th District Court Judge Yahara Lisa Gutierrez presided over the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Family Violence Court, also known as the "Protective Order Court." Some of the participants in the ceremony included County Commissioner Precinct 1 Anna Perez, El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal, Philip Mullin from the Family Bar Association, and Stephanie Karr, Director of the Center Against Family Violence.
During the ceremony, Michelle Little Locke was also sworn-in as the new Associate Family Court Judge and will be presiding over this new court.
El Paso's first "Protective Order Court" is dedicated exclusively to deal with victims of domestic violence and was made possible thanks to a $93,000 grant Judge Gutierrez received from the Office of the Governor of Texas. El Paso County Commissioners Court approved the creation of the new court on January 10, 2011 by authorizing the use of a special family violence fund to help pay for the salary of the new judge.
The idea behind "Protective Order Courts" is to provide a one stop venue for all issues involving the family during the duration of the protective order, including child support, custody of children and visitation issues. The new court will allow for the consolidation of a majority of the protective order caseload by transferring most of the cases to the new court.
The "Protective Order Court" will operate under the supervision of the 65th District Court, and will allow victims of domestic violence to have expedited access to the court system on their application for protective orders. This consolidated approach will also allow for a more efficient supervision of all protective order cases, while permitting the other family courts to dedicate more time to other types of family cases.
65th District Court Yahara Lisa Gutierrez said this new Protective Order Court is a giant step forward in helping the victims of domestic violence in El Paso County.
"I am grateful for the support of the Commissioners Court and the Governor's Office. There must be recognition by the community that no amount of violence is acceptable in El Paso," said Judge Gutierrez.
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New Protective Order Court Ribbon Cutting Press Release.pdf
Incluye videos, materiales y presentaciones disponibles para todas las escuelas de nivel bachillerato ("high schools")
Hoy viernes 11 de Febrero del 2011, la Procuradora del Condado de El Paso Jo Anne Bernal y el Fiscal de Distrito Jaime Esparza anunciaron una nueva iniciativa conjunta para reducir la violencia doméstica y en el noviazgo dentro del condado.
La campaña "¡No Te Dejes! Don't Let Yourself," fue creada gracias a una beca de $80,000 otorgada por el Departamento de Justicia Criminal de la Oficina del Gobernador de Texas Rick Perry.
Esta iniciativa incluye la producción de videos que reflejan la cultura y situaciones de la vida fronteriza, y que van dirigidos a estudiantes de bachillerato ("high school") y padres de familia. Los videos, creados por la compañía productora local "MindWarp Entertainment," serán utilizados junto con materiales educativos que abarcan temas como la violencia doméstica y el abuso juvenil durante el noviazgo. Talleres didácticos que incluyen exhibiciones publicas de los videos serán impartidas por empleados de ambas dependencias públicas a estudiantes, directivos escolares, padres de familia y grupos comunitarios del condado de El Paso.
La primer dramatización tiene una duración de 16 minutos y describe las experiencias que sufre una adolescente víctima del abuso en el noviazgo, tales como la intimidación, el aislamiento y la violencia física que ejerce el abusador sobre ella para controlarla.
El segundo video, creado en inglés y en español, describe situaciones que se presentan en casos de violencia domestica entre adultos, tales como la coerción económica y el abuso sexual, la utilización de los hijos como herramienta de manipulación, y la explotación de la situación migratoria para controlar las víctimas.
Esta iniciativa es única porque todos los materiales reflejan la cultura y situaciones que son específicas de El Paso y de otras comunidades a lo largo de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Al tratarse de materiales que reflejan la cultura local, se logra una mejor conexión emocional con el público, por lo que el mensaje resulta más efectivo. Hasta el momento estudiantes que han tenido la oportunidad de ver anticipadamente el video sobre violencia en el noviazgo han respondido muy positivamente al mensaje.
La iniciativa también incluye la creación de una página de Internet interactiva, y materiales didácticos que discuten las dinámicas de la violencia doméstica y del abuso en el noviazgo, prevención del problema, así como una explicación de cómo y dónde buscar ayuda en el condado de El Paso. Otros de los tópicos que se incluyen son el acceso a la protección policiaca, el uso de las órdenes de protección, y la disponibilidad de refugios y servicios de consejería.
Personal de ambas oficinas ofrecerán presentaciones a todas las escuelas locales que lo soliciten. Las presentaciones ayudarán a que los distritos escolares cumplan con una ley estatal aprobada en Mayo del 2007 que los obliga a implementar programas de prevención de la violencia en el noviazgo.
Al comentar sobre la importancia del proyecto, el Fiscal de Distrito Jaime Esparza explicó:
"Esta iniciativa detonará conversaciones sobre el daño que causa la violencia intrafamiliar en nuestra comunidad. Esperamos ayudar igualmente a adultos y jóvenes a reconocer las señales de alerta de una relación abusiva, y proveerles información sobre cómo pueden recibir ayuda si se encuentran en esa situación, o si son victimas de la violencia domestica," dijo Esparza.
Por su parte la Procuradora del Condado Jo Anne Bernal dijo que "esta iniciativa es única porque es la primera vez que dos agencias judiciales en el Condado de El Paso se unen para crear un programa contra la violencia domestica que busca procurar justicia educando, disuadiendo, y previniendo la violencia familiar antes de que exista la necesidad de una intervención policiaca."
Las Oficinas del Fiscal de Distrito y de la Procuradora del Condado comenzarán a programar presentaciones con los distritos escolares locales a partir del 1ero de Marzo. La página de Internet interactiva comenzará a funcionar en esa misma fecha.
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Boletín Iniciativa No Te Dejes.pdf
Program includes videos, materials and presentations to be offered to local high schools
On Friday, February 11, 2011, El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal and District Attorney Jaime Esparza unveiled a bold new initiative to reduce domestic and dating violence in El Paso County.
This comprehensive initiative entitled "¡No Te Dejes! Don't Let Yourself," was made possible by an $80,000 grant from the Criminal Justice Department of the Texas Governor's Office.
The initiative includes the production of culturally sensitive videos targeted at local area high school students and their parents. The videos, created by local production company "MindWarp Entertainment," will be used in conjunction with a comprehensive domestic/teen dating violence curriculum. Both offices will offer the video and training curriculum to students, school administrators, parents and community groups in El Paso County.
The first video is a 16-minute dramatization that explores issues related to abusive teen dating relationships, such as the use of intimidation, isolation and physical violence to exercise power and control over the victim.
The second video, created in English and Spanish, addresses issues of domestic violence in adult relationships, such as economic and sexual abuse, the use of children to manipulate and the immigration considerations of victims involved in abusive relationships.
The project is unique in that all aspects of the initiative were designed to reflect situations, cultures and issues specific to El Paso and other border communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Culturally sensitive materials connect better with the audience and make the message more effective. So far students have responded well to previews of the teen dating violence video.
The initiative also includes the creation of an interactive webpage and the development of a comprehensive curriculum that covers the dynamics of domestic/teen dating violence, as well as prevention and intervention resources available within the El Paso community. Some of the topics include access to law enforcement, safety planning, the use of protective orders, availability of shelter and counseling services, and criminal prosecution of offenders.
Presentation of the teen dating violence video and corresponding curriculum will be offered to all interested school districts in the El Paso area to comply with state legislation which went into effect May of 2007. The legislation, found in Section 37.0831 of the Education Code, mandates the implementation of a dating violence policy to be included in each district's improvement plan.
Commenting on the importance of the project, District Attorney Jaime Esparza explained, "this important initiative will jumpstart the conversation across our community about the harm of violent relationships. We hope to help young people and adults alike, recognize the warning signs of abusive relationships and equip them with information on how they can get help if they become a victim of an abusive relationship or family violence," Esparza said.
El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal said "the groundbreaking initiative is the first time the two prosecutors' offices in El Paso County have collaborated to create a domestic violence program that aims to ensure justice by proactively educating, deterring and preventing the occurrence of family violence before the need for prosecutorial intervention."
The County and District Attorneys' Offices will start scheduling presentations with local school districts on March 1, 2011. The interactive webpage will go live on the same date.
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Don't Let Yourself Press Release.pdf
Individuals still have one week to pay and avoid publication of their names
El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal announced today that, due to the winter storm that kept the County Courthouse closed since Wednesday, the amnesty period for hot check writers has been extended until Friday February 25, 2011.
Individuals who take advantage of the amnesty period and pay their outstanding balances before Friday, February 25, will avoid arrest during an upcoming countywide warrant round up. Additionally, they will save money by not having to pay additional fees such as court costs, attorney fees, and the cost of posting a bond.
The extension of the amnesty period includes one more week for individuals with outstanding warrants who want to avoid the publication of their names.
On Sunday February 13, 2011 the County Attorney's Office will make public the names and addresses of thousands of individuals with outstanding hot-check warrants. The list will be published on the County of El Paso's web site and other local media outlets. Additionally, the full list of names will be published in that Sunday's edition of Diario de El Paso.
Individuals with pending warrants who want to avoid the publication of their names must pay their outstanding balances by Friday, February 11, 2011.
Residents with outstanding hot check warrants can make their payments in person at the following locations:
El Paso County Courthouse
500 E. San Antonio, room 503
M- F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
El Paso County Ysleta Annex
9521 Socorro Rd., Suite A-3
M - F 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Forms of payment accepted include credit cards, money orders, cashier checks, and cash; however, those paying with cash will have to bring the exact amount (cashiers cannot give change).
In addition, residents can make payments online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through "Hot Check E-pay," by visiting the El Paso County Attorney's Office web-page at www.epcounty.com/CA
For more information regarding hot check payments and balances please contact the El Paso County Attorney's Office Hot Check Unit at 546-2051 or visit the El Paso County Attorney's Office web site at: www.epcounty.com/CA.
There are currently more than 3,075 names in the County's hot checks warrants list who owe local merchants more than $2.76 million dollars. During last fiscal year (2009-2010) the Hot Check Unit collected more than $930,000 dollars in outstanding hot checks. So far, during the first 4 months of fiscal year 2010-2011 (October-January), the County Attorney's Office has collected over $270,000.
El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal is encouraging individuals with outstanding warrants for writing hot checks to take advantage of this opportunity. In order to facilitate the payment of outstanding amounts, for the first time the County Attorney's Office will be accepting payment plans for qualifying individuals.
2011 Hot Check Warrant Amnesty Period Extended.pdf
2011 Hot Check Warrant Round-Up Calendar (media).pdf