- About Our Program
- Inmates receive instruction in Animal Care by performing daily cleaning and sanitizing of the kennels and cages, feeding the animals, and through training interaction. Inmates will also participate in educational programs such as GED, ESL, and Job Readiness. Additionally, inmates receive an introduction to kennel maintenance by making general repairs.
- Adoption applications are processed through the Animal Rescue League of El Paso.
- Animal Rescue League of El Paso
- El Paso County at a Glance
- The El Paso Detention System, under the command of Executive Chief Deputy Sylvia Aguilar, consists of two jails that hold pretrial and convicted persons.
- The System has a staff of over 700 uniformed and non-uniformed personnel.
- In the last decade, 402,888 individuals were booked into the system.
- The PAWS in Detention kennel was built by inmates for inmates. Equipment and supplies were purchased through inmate-generated funds and construction was assisted with inmate labor.
- Dogs being rehabilitated are “last chance” dogs meaning they have been adopted once and returned for various reasons.
- How You Can Help
- Since funding opportunities like these are limited, the PAWS in Detention program is accepting donations.
- Direct questions or suggestions, contact:
- PAWS@epcounty.com
- (915) 856-4808
- Checks should be made payable to:
El Paso County
- Donation drop off locations are:
- Jail Annex
(12501 Montana Ave. El Paso, TX 79938)
- Detention Facility
(601 E. Overland Ave. El Paso, TX 79901)
- Sheriff’s Headquarters
(3850 Justice Dr. El Paso, TX 79938)
